Thursday, November 8, 2012

Oh NO It's November 8th!?! (Another Habit Shift)

I suppose the rest of you already knew that, but somehow, in my world, the calendar stood still while the world marched on.

Sewing did not happen.

Life did.

That's how it goes sometimes.

I am, however, determined to continue my monthly change-a-little-habit-and-improve-my-life promise.   The report on my previous months' results continues to be very positive - I snip my threads, my scissors nearly always can be found where they belong, and my current patterns and pieces are now neatly stored in their box.  (Previous months' posts about habit shifts can be found here)

The secret remains:  make a teeny tiny little habit shift (something easy, not something overwhelming), do it consciously for a month, and a lifetime of a new habit has been formed. :)

This month's habit is thread.  Thread storage.  Bobbin storage.  I've been letting myself think that keeping the 3 bobbin types that I use matched with their corresponding spool of thread is just too complex and overwhelming and I just can't POSSIBLY keep them all organized.   As a result, I don't put anything away, and end up with this:

Now really.  How hard can it be?   Just put the spool away, already!   And if it has a matching bobbin, I have options to keep the bobbin near the spool.   Attitude change time - it's EASY!  I have drawers and boxes and racks and trays, all designated for thread - plenty of room, really!  It may not be the most elegant thread storage system I've seen, but anything is better than loose spools rolling around the desk, with hanging tails that wreak havoc whenever they get caught on something.

Oh, right...there is one other little aspect to this goal, and that is to wrap up the thread and secure it on the spool before putting it away.  Not hard, really.   Takes seconds.  Mere seconds, I tell you.  (or rather, I tell myself....)

I can do this, and it will be easy :)

And you?   Are you making any little habit shifts?   And how are you doing?   Isn't it wonderful when you pick something small, something that only takes a minute a day, and it changes your life?

Huzzah to those who are doing this with me, and if you haven't started yet, there's no time like right now!   (even if it is already the 8th of the month.....)