Sunday, January 16, 2011

Welcoming Myself to Blogworld....

My initial inspiration for this blog comes from my sewing friends - a space to join with them and share my  journey as I re-enter the creative world of fabrics and patterns and needles...oh my! 
If this blogging thing gets into my bones, though, I suspect it will grow into more than that...a space for both sharing and introspection ... space to find and develop the joy I feel when I get my hands onto some new creative challenge, be it sewing, beading, papercrafting, tassel-making, home dec, gardening, woodworking, cooking, painting, finding some bizarre way to craft something new from something vintage....or blogging!

And through it all, I hope to create a heart-based space, reminding myself & any visitors to keep breathing life into the body, and into the art we create by being ourselves, finding what makes us smile, and let ourselves Be.

May we all Be... a little more aware of feeling harmony with the earth, with Spirit, with our creative muses, with each other, and within ourselves.

And remember not to take ANYTHING too danged seriously! 


  1. Hi, Jilly! Welcome to the world of blogging.

    My creative gene is quite small---LOL. Now I'm just trying to hang onto the mojo I've managed to beg, borrow, or steal from others.

  2. Yay, Jilly! Welcome! Love your banner picture. :)

  3. Thank you ladies! You were a big part of my inspiration, you know... :)

  4. It looks great!!! I'm glad you got it to work:)
