Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Fun & Funky Fleece - March Mini-Wardrobe Storyboard

I've entered a contest!   The Pattern Review mini-wardrobe contest, which calls for sewing 4 items in March, which will mix & match with each other and one existing item in the wardrobe, to create a total of 6 outfits.

An outfit.  What a concept!  Right off the bat, I realize that my shopping (for clothes in the past, and for fabrics & patterns these days), pretty much consists of falling in love with a single item & bringing it home.  And then trying to figure out what to wear it with.  I'm really not a matchy-matchy sort of outfit person, but I do know (kind of, anyway) what colors work for me, and what textures I like.   But with my penchant for off-beat lines & funky styles, I often have to do a lot playing around in my closet to find things that actually work together.  And my closet is mostly full of a) VERY casual, well-worn & comfy jeans & pants & tops that may or may not match them, and b) casually elegant out-to-see-a-client sorts of outfits that fit my off-beat style, but they're a bit dressy for everyday wear.

I'm looking for that balance in between, and to replace the jeans end of the spectrum with something that's still comfy, but not so ho-hum.

Hence....the concept of the mini-wardrobe!  I hereby vow to fabric shop with "what will this go with?" firmly in mind!

In the meantime, my contest wardrobe is all about staying warm in this cold California winter weather.   I'm fully aware that my wardrobe is probably going to stand out like a sore thumb in amongst all of the colorful Spring wardrobes others are planning, but I'm sewing what I want & need right now.

Here's the plan:

The Pullover & the brown & black fleece pants are done, & I'm working on the vest now.   And, I might add, I'm wearing those pants & pullover as I type!   And I'm warm & comfy :)

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