Friday, May 6, 2011

A Double Dose of Yummy!

Well, y'all may realize that I've not been finding the time or energy to be doing a whole lot of sewing lately.   So what does a non-sewing sewist do in such a case?  She buys fabric and sewing machines, of course!

I'm a reformed SMADist, really.  I am.  (for the uninformed, SMAD = Sewing Machine Acquisition Disease).  There are just a COUPLE more machines on my wish know, just in case the right one comes along at the right price.  One of those was a treadle.   And if a Rocketeer fell into my lap, I would, of course, cuddle it for awhile & then happily let it follow me home.  And I always have a soft spot for a nice little Featherweight.  (it's the machine I learned to sew on under my Mother's guidance, after all).

Today there was a "Last Minute Estate Sale" with a Featherweight listed.  Kind of off the beaten path, but very close to my house.  "Everything Priced to sell!"  Since I was passing nearby while out & about, of COURSE I had to check it out, thinking the FW would be long gone if it was, indeed, 'priced to sell'.  But at $300? Nope, not priced to sell to me, but that was OK, because they had MY treadle!!!   $50.   For a Singer 66, and my second choice in treadle cabs.  Sold.  :)  (the only treadle cab I like more is very similar to this one, but the cast iron has straight legs - lovely, simple, clean lines.  Also harder to come by than this one, which is quite common).   By the time I had gone home & emptied out my car to make room for the treadle, & returned to pick it up, the FW was marked down to $200.   Twenty minutes later, I was back home with this:

The 1952 Feather (with case & just a couple of attachments), the 66, which needs some TLC, (but if necessary I'll just cannibalize the wheel & put it on another machine) and a cute little Spartan.   All for $200 - I'm OK with that.  :)  

Someone had refinished the top flap on the desk, which clearly has the potential to be gorgeous!   I think that grain is fabulous!

Next step:  decide which machines to re-home (no, I'm not admitting to how many I have....not at the moment, at least)  ;-D

And then, shortly after getting home, my Fabric Mart box arrives!   Best.  Box.  Ever!

Even His Furriness the Inspector General is in full approval of this one.  Pigskins, sheep shearling, silks, linens, rayon knits, waterproof stuff....& a couple of mystery bits in the freebie bundle (like that lime green twill in the corner.....anyone love lime green?  Because lime green lover would not be me.....)

I've never been this thrilled with a box of fabric in the mail!   Now sew, to sew.......   Right after I pay the bills.  & go to the post office.  & grocery shopping.  & the bank.  & make dinner.   & get ready for work tomorrow.   & do all the Mumsy stuff.  Oh.  Yeah, right.   All that is why I haven't been sewing.   Maybe next week?

But first, give me a minute......I need to go coddle some pigskin & stroke some silk..........

Oh!  I almost forgot!   The bonus score from the estate sale - a pile of vintage buttons!!!  (Have I ever mentioned that I'm a bit of a button freak? - especially vintage)

Of course, with a pile that size, there are bound to be a few really cool buttons.  Here are a few of my faves:
I love mixing buttons, so the fact that scores like this rarely yield duplicates of the really unusual ones is OK by me :).   What's with the Roosevelt pin, you ask?  It appears to be a real, vintage, pin.   Not a super-valuable one, but apparently worth more than I paid for the buttons!  Kinda cool.  :)


  1. WOW! What a score! I do have several of those FM fabrics. ;)

  2. Wow, what a day for you. Enjoy!

  3. oh oh oh .... nice score. Is that a zebra print I see?

  4. Hehehe, but of course you do, shams!

    Thank you Gloria - I will, I will!

    lol Mary - I believe it's leobra print...or maybe a zeopard - and trust me, I'll be thinking of you when I lay it out. Your dress turned out fabulous!

  5. Such an eye and quite the wheeler- dealer -- great score with the machines! I'm a button hoarder, so I can appreciate that gorgeous pile you have!

  6. SMAD! Well, I guess we all have our disorders. You collect sewing machines, I collect fabric and yarn. Wish we lived on the same coast, so you could help me find a useful, cool vintage machine. Maybe I should get in touch with Briansews. At last count, he had over 15 machines in his posession. I'm hoping you don't have that many - right?

  7. Dixie....ummm....errrrr........[koffkoff]... ::::goes to count machines::::....

    The one that I picked up for someone else, & just haven't sent off yet (because it weighs about a ton & a half) doesn't count, right? Because it isn't exactly mine. And the one that's only half there because I only kept it for parts doesn't count either, right? Because in that case, no, no I do not have as many as Briansews :D

    So does this mean you're getting ready to start your blog Dixie? And show us your fabric stash (which I know must be AWEsome!) And your wonderful studio? And I know you MUST have a button stash too!

    Hey, why don't you just come visit me & take a machine home with you? :D :D :D
