Friday, December 30, 2011

2011 - What I sewed, what I learned...

I haven't made it into the sewing room to do anything of substance for...oh... 3 weeks or so now... so I decided it was time for a bit of reflection on the past year.   This was my first full year of sewing since I was a (very) young adult, and it was definitely a year filled with firsts for me - lots of lessons learned!

The tally:
6 pants
3 jackets
2 vests
4 shawls, wraps & such
3 knit tops (only THREE??   What happened there?)
3 skirts (for Mom)
4 dresses (all for others...I guess I'm still not a dress person)
2 pairs of pajamas (for Mom)
A bunch in the misc. category - belts, bibs, bags, baubles, berets....

Not really quite as productive as I had thought (but still...that's more than 2 per month, not counting all of the miscellaneous items & alterations, so not too bad, all things [aka~life] considered).  Plus, several projects were...well...PROJects!   Complicated, time-consuming, but lots of fun & definitely rewarding!

The biggest lesson learned really sank home while looking through the pictures of 2011's projects.  I realized that the items worn most have been all of the pieces in the above composite pic, made for Pattern Review's mini-wardrobe contest, and my Jalie Jeans.   Both of these filled a practical need, and the wardrobe contest made me think in terms of items that actually, well, made up a wearable, mix & match WARDROBE!   I mean, no orphans!   Who woulda thunk it?

I've been trying to pay attention to this ever since the wardrobe contest, but I do get distracted by bright shiny objects, like this one:

Definitely fun to make (although it had its challenges, to be sure) but I still need to make some items that expand its wearability factor.

There were a couple of bright shiny objects that also fit into the practical, goes-with-lots category, like this faux fur jacket - Lois Ericson's Cosmopolitan (made in January, but pre-blog, reviewed at PR):

A number of items made for others were gratifying and appreciated (*whew*)


A new TNT summer top, the Collette Sorbetto, was added to my repertoire:

And I tried my hand at silk screening (thanks to Marcy Tilton)

Other notables were a FINISHED UFO (from 2010, no less...), an introduction to the fabulous new Ausie company, Style Arc, and lots & lots of fleece, including this cute little bedjacket (which has also been getting a lot of wear)

My first Fail: (sorry Chloe)

Balanced by another Style Arc Winner 
(I still can't believe I only made THREE knit tops this year - 
I guess 2010 was the year of the knit top for me....)

A bright new table setting:

My latest obsession with ties, which promises a fair amount of creative productivity in the coming year:

And, of course, the current project (not counted above, after all, it's still a UFO).....
I hereby promise to me & the rest of the blogging world, the Koos Coat will be worked on this weekend!!!!
And by the way...this coat not only matches a whole lot of pieces that I already have, but is part of the Stitcher's Guild winter 6PAC, which means that several other matching pieces are ready to go (the 6PAC may or may not actually get finished in time, but that's beside the point...)  I really am trying to pay attention to making pieces that can be happily worn with other pieces I have, or am making.....  Really, truly, I'm learning this lesson!

Here's to lessons learned, and more importantly, remembered.   One lesson that is always with me is the value of community - I remain incredibly thankful for my online sewing community (many of whom are now a part of my 3D life) - I am so grateful for all you have given me :)  

May we all have a 2012 that is filled with abundance in many forms, and may we be blessed with lessons that help us learn, and grow, and become more of who we can be.

Happy New Year, dear sewing buddies!


  1. May you have a new year that is filled with creative processes and zen moments in the sewing room and beyond!

  2. What a great, reflective post, Jilly! I, too, need the "wardrobe" reminder...I was instantly drawn to the pictures of your mini-wardrobe project, because they all go together, yet I am also drawn to the glittery, special projects which make my heart sing! I guess we need to accept both sides of ourselves as having equal value...

    I hope your new year is challenging, fulfilling and peaceful...

  3. Martha what a lovely sentiment - thank you :)

    Margy I love this: "we need to accept both sides of ourselves as having equal value". So well said :)

  4. Oh the lure of bling, whatever its form. I can't resist, though I do try from time to time.

    I have just found your lovely blog and am looking forward to a good read through over the holidays. I am a relative newby sewer so, for the moment, have to live vicariously through other more experienced sewers for creative bling! Happy new year!

  5. A big welcome to you Emily! And here's to a new year filled with bling and sewing confidence :)

  6. That's quite a list. Two per month is good, especially since some items took awhile to get to where you wanted them.

    I'm certain that I speak for all of your followers when I say that we look forward to more artistic creations from you.

    Hope you have a wonderful 2012.

  7. What a wonderfully productive year! And especially so for a relative newbie. Your creative side has been let out to play and it's been so much fun to watch!

    Here's to an even better 2012. :D

  8. Very productive year!!!! Happy New Year!!!

  9. Jilly, I love your creative style and reading about your sewing adventures. There are a few bloggers out there (two of whom have left comments to this post) who have a very distinct and creative style. Although the styles are different from what I typically wear, I love seeing them on others. 2011 looks to have been a creatively productive year for you! A happy, healthy 2012 to you! :)

  10. JillyBe, your work reflects you, and is so beautiful(even the "fail"). I love the enthusiasm and energy you bring to our community. Have a wonderful 2012.

  11. You've sewn some really beautiful, and artistic pieces this year. I enjoy seeing them all in the round up. Have a lovely 2012, I'll enjoy watching whatever you end up sewing. Whether it's flights of fancy, or just basics.

  12. Thank you, everyone, for your wonderful comments - they truly warm the little cockles of my heart, and put a smile on my face :) :) :)

  13. You've had such a productive year! I can't wait to see the Koos jacket finished, this is a work of art!
    Best of luck with an equally fantastic 2012!

  14. Clearly a very succesful year of sewing. Love to see your work.
    Happy new year to you.

  15. Wow- pretty productive! Love the mix-and match outfits. Very smart.

    Best wishes for the new year!

  16. You created some amazing pieces in 2011. Looking forward to seeing your creativity shine again in 2012!
