Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy 1st Blogiversary and a Giveaway!

Woohoo!  I have a reason for a little giveaway party!   Not that I need an excuse, but...I published my very first blog post one year ago today, so it's my First Blogiversary :)

I've already written a little year-end wrap-up, so all I'm going to say here is that I'm THIS delighted with my discovery of the blogworld, and the thought that I could actually create a blog myself, have fun doing it, and attract people who apparently enjoy reading what I share.   Makes me feel good :)  

I credit my local sewing group, BABES (Bay Area Bash Expressly for Sewists), who encouraged me to start a blog after my first meeting with them.  One would be hard-pressed to find a group that is more welcoming, supportive and generous with knowledge and goodies - we always have plenty of fabric, patterns, knowledge and paraphernalia to share.   But then, what I have discovered in this wonderful world of stitchery is that sewists tend to be like that.

Which leads me to - the Giveaway!   Another first for my blog. :~)  I'm hoping to find good homes for the following patterns:

#1)  Jalie 2794.  The popular sweetheart knit top.  I did make this a couple of times, but I don't think I'll be doing it again.  It's popular for good reason, but as I'm finding my own style, I realize that this just isn't it.  Uncut, and Jalie's typical every-size-in-the-book

#2)  The Sewing Workshop Yin & Yang Dress.  (Sm - XL) This one was cut, but to the largest size, so all sizes are there.

#3)   McCalls 2531 - Vintage Raggedy Ann pattern from the 70's. (Someone on Etsy is asking $26 for this!  Think it'll sell?  I hope mine will find a great home - for free)  :~)  Includes sizes for 15" - 20" & 25" dolls.   It looks to be still in factory folds, with everything in reasonably good condition.

#4) Butterick 6759, Size 12, 14, 16.   Retro Peplum Jacket & Skirt.   Uncut, Factory folds.

This presents a variety that will hopefully appeal to a few people - I hope you see something you would like!

I love my followers, but it's not a requirement; this is open to one and all.   Just leave a comment with which pattern you would like (I'll be giving away all 4), and will have a random drawing on Saturday 21st.

Good Luck!

One more thing...I just saw this picture, and given the day, just had to share...
May we all have dreams, and remember to live them :)
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


  1. Congrats on one year of blogging! I'm happy you joined the blog world and I enjoy your blog very much. Oh, and you don't have to include me in your giveaway, I just wanted to say congrats!

  2. Happy blogversary! I love the yin tang dress but it is too much for my height. If my name gets picked, I'd love the Jalie pattern. Thanks!!

  3. How quickly time flies, and what a great time you have had during your 1st year in Blogland. Happy Blogiversary, and here's to many more...
    I would have to pick the Jalie pattern as I have never tried a pattern other than the Big 4 - stepping out of the old comfort zone here.....thanks!!!

  4. Happy Blogiversary!!! What a lovely and generous giveaway! Count me in for the reproduction retro Butterick! Looks lovely and just my style!

  5. You just give and give and give don't you? First you give by sharing your creativity and skills with us and now a variety of patterns to choose from..pretty sweet, just like you:)

    Please sign me up for the raggedy Ann and Andy dolls. I have a student who would love to have these...once I am done with them of course

  6. Congratulations on Year One! I've been lurking since I found you through MPB- but a chance at the Jalie pattern brings me out of the shadows. Cheers!

  7. Congratulations on your one year blogiversary! I am so glad I found you along the way - I love reading about your creative processes. God knows I don't need another pattern, so please don't include me in the giveaway. ;)

  8. I just found you recently, and love your blog. Put my name in for the Jalie top. Thanks for the giveaway!

  9. Yeah, I kinda remember nudging you toward a blog and what a blog you've made!!

    Congratulations on one year.

    I'll let the others put in for a chance at a pattern. I'm holding out for one of your machines. LOL.

  10. Congratulations on one year of blogging! I would like to be considered for the Sewing Workshop dress.

  11. Happy Blogiversary! I've only recently found your blog but check back often. I'd like to be in the "pot" for the Jalie pattern, thanks.

  12. Congratulations on your blogoversary! A great year, and here's looking to many more (no entry please)

  13. In packing to move I found my Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy that I made from that pattern in 196?. They went to college with me in 1970, my kids played with them in the 80's and then got "lost" for a while. I'm not sure where my pattern is but I would love a new Raggedy Ann & Andy pattern to make more for the next generation....
    Congrats on your blogiversary!

  14. Congratulations and complimets! I would like to take part of the Jalie-top lottery. B.r.

  15. Happy blogiversary! I always enjoy your take on sewing and other topics too. The final picture is very nice indeed.

  16. Happy blogniversary ! I loved the cake photo so much i wanted to try to make this cake immediacy.

    Great giveaway. xx

  17. Happy Anniversary! I'd love to join in the Jalie pattern giveaway. Thank you! Anne

  18. Congratz on a year of blogging! I always enjoy your blog, ti is full of such great energy from you. I have that Jalie pattern, and am just about to make it up again (2 times, even!). I hope it finds a good home, as it really is a great pattern. :) Generous of you to share such nice patterns!
