Saturday, June 2, 2012

Random Ramblings and Possibly Useless Ponderings

1.  On older patterns I'd like to sew that have never been reviewed.   I don't mind diving in to a brand new pattern that I have no info on, but older patterns?  Why isn't there any info out there on them?  Are they THAT bad? Did I waste my dollars on all those LJ Designs I bought at the Artistry in Fashion shindig last year?  Well...I'm about to find out...
2.  On Organization.   WhyTF can I be so organized in some categories when I put my mind to it, but can't for the life of me keep track of what that fabric is?   Life was so much simpler when all I sewed was cotton & silk & wool.   All these fabulous blends make my brain spin.  I need a secretary.   The cats just suck at the job - all they do is leave fur bunnies on the fabric after they've inspected it.

I'm just resigned to saying "it feels good next to my skin, and that's what counts."

3.  !!!Exclamation Points!!!  What IS it about these little suckers?  I read my posts, and wonder how all those characters got in there?!  Surely "I" didn't put them there, did I?!   Really?!  I don't talk with exclamation points at the end of every sentence, and I didn't used to write with them either.  HOW did they maneuver their way into my posts with such frequency?

Must.  type.  more.  consciously.

4.  Backyard Chickens.  I want some of these:  
So that I can have some of these:
I'm doing my research.  Stay tuned.

I may add more to this post later, but my brain is all filled up for the moment.   Feel free to add your own Random Ramblings in any responses, and may we all have a wonder-filled day!   (yup, I did it again, another exclamation point....)

5.  One more.  Which is worse, 3-dot journalism or excessive exclamation points?   (does anyone remember Herb Cain?)   My vote is for !!!!   Please save me from myself.

I'm off to the sewing room.....


  1. I'm all for exclamation marks! ;-)

    People who know me personally would be surprised by all my exclamation marks in comments. I think it's the medium. It doesn't really suit formal writing. It needs to be succinct without being curt if you know what I mean. The exclamation marks sort of keep things light and chatty.

    That's my excuse anyway!

  2. I think the reason that there are so few reviews of older patterns is that we the holders of them aren't reviewing them when we use them for a variety of reasons. I know that I don't write a review on an older pattern because most people can't get their hands on them so it seems kinda wrong to put one up on PR. I will post about them on my blog, however, since it's all about my sewing.

    As for exclamation points, I have the same issue. I'm constantly going back and removing them from my blog posts - so I totally get it!!!!

    1. Thank you - it's nice to know that I'm not the only one who edits just to remove excess EP's!!!

      The patterns I'm thinking of aren't really OOPs, but those that are still available. & if you do a google search, they should show up if bloggers named them correctlly (I try to do so for this very reason). I guess a lot of the patterns I'm attracted to are just 'different' enough that they aren't really that popular.

      Or else the people who make them just don't go online.

      Or they're just lousy patterns.


  3. I don't mind exclamation points or smileys at all, they are useful for establishing tone. What bothers me is LOLs at the end of every sentence. There are a couple of bloggers out there who do this constantly. If they really laughed out loud at the end of every sentence they spoke they would be institutionalized for mental instability. The occasional LOL is useful, but not all the time. There, just jumped off soapbox!!! 8-D LOL

    I too, would love to have chickens but one of the dogs would consider it his mission to torture the poor things and eventually eat them. If Barney didn't get them the coyotes might, there are a ton of them around here. Oh well, it's not to be.

    Have you looked at this product line? Pretty cute and cool stuff.

    You can call them Thelma and Louise, or Lucy and Ethel, Laverne and Shirley, or Wilma and Betty.

    1. Cute coops! A little pricey for the nicer ones though....I really want two things: Super fresh eggs that I KNOW are organic, and eventually I hope to save $$$ doing it.

      And of course, those adorable chicken poop won't smell, so let's not talk about that, 'k?

    2. Your chickens would never have smelly poop, never.

      Seriously, if I remember correctly if you only have a couple of chickens their caca shouldn't smell too much, but you can compost it and have great compost for your garden. Win win. Chickens, eggs, compost, better garden produce.

  4. Chickens! Chickens.

    I rest my case.

  5. Ah, yes, exclamation points!!!! I find that I use them more in internet writing (blogs, comments, and e-mails) than I ever did in non-internet writing. Wait, I say to myself: I just used an EP in the last sentence, so cannot use it now! To substitute I find the word or words that are being emphasized and italicize those. If it's the entire sentence which I want to write "more loudly", then I will use EPs. Does that explain things? LOL !!!!

    Hey, it was kind of fun writing that paragraph!! LOL!!!! (smiley face) (smiley face) (smiley face) LOL!!

  6. Do your neighbors get to vote on the chickens? :)

    I do put up reviews of older patterns, for precisely the reason you suggest. You might find that the older patterns need more tweaking, regarding fit.

    I suffer from smiley overuse *and* exclamation overload!! :)

  7. I too, find myself editing out exclamation points. I am not a fan of them, generally. I think it has to do with the teaching of 'the day'. I remember being taught not to use many EP's. Not sure what is taught these days. I'll have to consult with my DD on that one.

    One of my friends keeps chickens. They live on family land in the country, and have a coop attached to their barn. It's the cleanest coop ever. Last time I was there, we fed the chickens some kale from the garden. The fresh eggs they give us are so delicious, and surprising how different from grocery store eggs - and I buy the organic, free-range type. I'd love to keep chickens, but it's probably not going to happen where we live. BTW, not sure if this will happen where you live, but my friends' chickens stop laying eggs during the summertime. Too hot, I guess.

    1. Yes, I think their egg-laying is seasonal; I forget which season here they slow down.

      My local farmers market used to have an "egg lady" & I always bought from her - I was so sad when she quit coming. I can drive a bit & get uber-fresh from the local eggers, & some of the local stores have really good, fresh, pastured eggs (which sell out quickly), but they are up to $8-9/dozen. That's a lot of moolah.

    2. $8-$9 a dozen is horrible and yeh I'd get chickens! My niece lives in Norton, MA and has some chickens...they can have a few in city limits. We can't here and we're in a little town surrounded by corn/soy bean fields. Go figure!!!

  8. I have a few of Lj's patterns (since you mentioned her specifically). The ones I have are well drafted. Be sure you mark all the notches and dots and follow instructions step by step. They are really ingenious. My favorite is the Versa Jacket #773.

    1. Bev I made up the Sorbet yesterday, and I have some issues with the design, but I am very impressed with the drafting! It will be my next post :)

  9. Since no one else has mentioned that she remembers Herb Caen... (that was in honor of his dot dot dot jounalism), weren't his articles only in the Chron? I think I read his entries before I read anything else. I loved the way the Macy's ads would wind around his articles.


    1. I was wondering if any locals would catch that :) For years (pre-internet) I bought the Chron only because of his column. LOVED him! His style was simply unparalleled.

      I had crepes this morning. Chickens!

  10. I agree Valerie, except that I think internet writing is evolving (or devolving?) into its own 'accpetable' style - like text-speak has. Personally, I despise text-speak (and I refuse to text unless absolutely necessary), but I try to be open-minded about the way things change......

  11. Hey Jilly! Hmmm maybe I've used up my ep quota now. ;) and now my smiley face quota.... But really I like some exclamation points to let people know I am attempting a light hearted and cheerful tone, and likewise with smiley faces to indicate a (no doubt feeble) attempt at a joke. Sometimes with cultural differences in manner of speech between countries, facial expression (aka the smiley face) is important. Occasionally a comment that is commonplace and jocular to us Aussies might seem a bit off to a reader from another country, where a single word might have a slightly different connotation. That's my excuse anyhow! :D

    On another note, I am so sorry to read you lost your dear mother, please accept my late but sincere condolences. (virtual hug).

    1. I'm glad I mentioned the EP issue; all of these responses make me feel better about using them, and I agree that's all about establishing tone.

      Thank you for the condolences & the hug - always appreciated :)

  12. Oh sorry I meant to say more stuff...
    Firstly, I am sooooooooo jealous of all your fun blogger meet ups! What fun!
    And secondly thank you so much for your sweet comment.

  13. Jilly, I have chickens south of you, in Campbell. They are fun and easy but the start up costs were high (building a coop). They are quiet 23.5 hours a day and set up a squawk around laying time only, mid morning. Egg production slows down in relation to daylight duration; slow November-February in my area. If you want to talk, shoot me an email with your phone number.

    Lisa from BABES

    1. Awesome Lisa, thanks! My brain is all cooped up with the coop issue - I keep hoping that a really cheap solution will magically appear in my life ;D

      If I get serious about this, I'll definitely be in touch to get your experience; thanks so much.

  14. Don't worry about !!!!'s ...shows expression and your blogs are fun. I'm just soooo glad you're back to sewing/posting!!!!!!!!!! That's 10's how I feel about you being back! :)

    1. You made me Laugh Out Loud :D

      And thank you ::::beam::::
