Thursday, July 12, 2012

Help! My Comment Avatar is MIA

I believe I inadvertently deleted the avatar that's been showing up on the comments I make, and now I have this big ugly minus sign next to my name on all my comments :(.   I am NOT a minus sign!!!!

When I right click on the image, it has a jpeg name, and under that it says 1,159/1,159 B Server Problem  (if any geeks understand what that

If you click on my name by the comment, it still goes back to my blogger profile (which has a normal picture).   I changed the image (several times) on my google profile, but nothing changed in my comments.  I even 'upgraded' to Google +, thinking that might help......nope.

And to top it off, Google said my Operating System was too ancient & updates were no longer going to be available, so I bought the upgrade for my Mac (from 10.5.3 to 10.6.3).....still nothing.

And yes, I've cleared my cache and history and all the usual clean-up stuff - no go there....

I suspect that maybe I'll need to go somewhere and change some code from something to something else..... but where?  and what?  and how?  and HUH?




Update:  I joined the blogger forum so that I could ask a question, and found two other people who posted the exact same problem....months ago....with no  response on the forums.   I asked my question; we'll see if anyone over there actually reads the postings....... (can you tell I'm not real hopeful?)  Prove me wrong, blogger geeks!

Update #2, The Fix:  I still have no idea where my old avatar was stored; I suspect that, way back when I first created the blog, the code for the original avatar must have gotten buried somewhere...who knows where!?   The new avatar is, I believe, where it's supposed to be - it  is the picture associated with my blogger profile - the one you see when you click on the "view my complete profile" link on my blog page.  I clicked on "Edit Profile".   I selected a picture in Picasa, re-sized it to 50 x 50, deleted my old profile pic, replaced it by adding the URL to the new 50x50 pic, and voila! I have a picture back.   A nice, simple fix, and not worth all the angst I had staring at the minus sign (which is still there on all my old comments - this is why I suspect the code for that original pic is still buried .... somewhere .... but I'm done searching for it!   Hope this helps anyone else who might be having the same problem :)


  1. Jilly, I wish I could help. I find Blogger to be a fickle friend. In fact, I can't even get an avatar to show up at all.

    Good luck!

  2. Jilly, have you tried posting your question on google/ blogger help forums? They are usually fast with replies?

    1. I've not had a lot of luck finding info there in the past, but I'll give it a shot - it's nice to know that they DO (sometimes?) reply.

  3. Jillian, how big is your avatar image? The size for the avatar is 50 by 50 pixels. If your image is larger, maybe you can size it down? If you need help with that, send me your image and I can do it.

    This is just a guess, as I think blogger should be doing this for you.

    Also, are you uploading the image from your computer or from a website? If it's from a website, I have another question about it. :)

    1. I don't even know WHERE to do this, let alone how to check the size! I've looked through the avatars listed on blogs that I follow - some are the old (deleted) avatar, some are the same pic as the one on my blogger profile, and some are the new pic on my google profile. All of those were automatically sized.

      Is my google profile the one that's supposed to be associated with comments? I'm so confused!

    2. Oh, and they were all uploaded from my computer


    I found this the other day. No one helped this poor person but she has the same situation as you. Possibly there is something which she wrote which may give you a clue. (Sorry for the long link, but I don't know how to do the "short way" here.)

    1. Thanks Gloria - I saw that comment, and another couple with basically the same problem. Some of the comments are from March, and no one ever responded. :(

  5. I once accidently deleted my avatar when I was cleaning up multiple photos of my kookaburra that had ended up in the blogspot photo hosting site . I eventually managed to get another one - I am using the old blogger interface - could you possibly go back to the old blogger interface and try upload your photo again ???? I hope this would not stuff anything up as I am a computer expert at all.

    1. Thanks Janine - I did try to go through the old interface, but what's so confusing to me is every place has a picture showing EXCEPT my comments! I have no idea where, exactly, I can go to add an avatar, and I sure am getting tired of that minus sign. :(

      And thank you so much for the compliment on my clothes - good luck with the t-shirt! It really should be quite do-able, using a TNT as a base :)

  6. Oh PS I love the clothes you sew - I have been trying to think how to possibly replicate your last T-shirt .

  7. I am no help at all, but I want you to feel supported. 8-D

  8. I've noticed that with comments on some blogs, instead of an avatar to the left, they show the Blogger "B" and the avatar is on the right. I don't know html and I don't know how to get the "B" logo, but maybe if you can figure that out, it would be starting over/cancelling what is showing on yours and you can re-do it. Just an idea. (What I don't want to do is to make things worse.)

    1. So frustrated with Google right now....I'm seriously considering coughing up the bucks for self hosting & moving to WordPress.

  9. I think I did it. That was friggin' exhausting.

  10. Yay!!! I was beginning to think that you did have a big minus across your face and just were in denial. I know next to nothing about computers or coding and ask myself why I try to help with those problems. Besides liking to help, sometimes the one who knows nothing unknowingly offers one little thing which can lead to another step which the fixer can use. This was probably not the case here, but I'm explaining why I may offer my "help" in the future. LOL.

    1. There may be a few lines across my face, but definitely not one big minus sign!

      Keep offering your help, please! It's always appreciated :) Even if it doesn't work ;-D

    2. I hope you are going to do a post explaining how you fixed it! In case some person in the future is googling for a solution.

    3. I did add an update at the end of this post with an explanation. I'll bold the update & make it more evident.
