Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Something followed me home today...

Did you even know that Simplicity makes sewing machines?  Neither did I.  Neither did some of the employees at JoAnn's...and they certainly didn't know where they were hiding!  Actually, I still don't know if they make sewing machines, because I was narrowly focused on finding out about this puppy, as soon as I heard about it being 50% off:

I've been wanting a felting machine for some time now (actually ever since I saw this super fun Au Bonheur coat of Shams'.....yeah, there she goes, enabling me once again......)  Note:  even though she hand felted her coat, she got a felting machine shortly after, and by the time I saw the coat in person I wanted that machine!.   But I could not justify a $300 price tag for something that would probably not get THAT much use...just a fun toy.   A REALLY fun toy, but still....

So a little birdie over at Pattern Review mentioned that JA's had this Simplicity felter at 50% off.  I didn't know how much it was, other than the sales flier putting the max price of the Simp machines at $139.99.  Since I had to do some grocery shopping nearby anyway, I thought I'd just pop on in and check it out.

And you know what happened.

$139.99, minus the 10% JA VIP discount, plus 9.5% tax, plus a candy bar, and my grand total at the register was $138.71.   And don't you just love the way JoAnn puts, in LARGE LETTERING, at the bottom of your receipt:

Gosh...I saved more than I spent.  How does that work, again?  (Die hard spenders and consumers need not answer)  ;-D

I had already researched the heck out of felter/embellishers, and knew what I wanted (the Janome, with a cartridge that would allow me to replace individual needles, but the cheapest price I could find was $350.00).  Since I'm possibly only going to use it on 2 or 5 projects a year...eh.....couldn't justify it....  Given the fact that this machine comes with a 12 needle cartridge, AND you can replace the individual needles, and it probably does exactly the same sort of work that the Janome does, I justified the cost about 3 minutes after looking at the box.  Maybe 2.  Or 1.

I was so excited about my new toy that I forgot to stop at the grocery store.   That's OK, I'll find something in the fridge...and my beets are ready to pull from the garden :)))

These machines are SO simple!  I didn't even bother opening the manual.  I had, after all, watched 2 videos of it being used, so I'm practically an expert already, right?

Here's my first plaything:
The fabric is Polartec fleece; the cream-colored bunch at the left is chenille...this was pretty much a fail, and I thought the fleece might be too thick & close knit (which was disappointing, because that's one of the items I want to felt with), but then I tried a thinner yarn & punched it over an organza-like ribbon, & it worked perfectly.
Ohhhhh, I'm going to have fun with this!  It looks like it's mostly one of those organic, you-don't-really-know-what-you're-going-to-get-until-you-try-it experiments, which is right up my who-knows-where-I'm-going? alley, and I'm already seeing all sorts of smiles emerging from my new toy. :)  

And I can definitely use some extra smiles right now. :)

Maybe I'll even end up using it more often than I think...?  Do you have any little-used but uber-fun sewing toys that give you pleasure?  Or toys you didn't think you would use, but ended up loving?  Or even, things you thought you would love but ended up in the back of the closet?


  1. I am so excited for you!!! Man you are going to have fun...this is right up your style alley and I cannot wait to see what you come up with:) I love needle felting...it's like childhood all over again. Enjoy, Enjoy

    1. Oooooh good point - it IS like childhood play! :D

  2. Your creative juices will be flowing for garments, and garments...great buy (and superb savings!!!)

    1. Yes...superb savings...right....I'll keep telling myself that ;D

  3. How fun!!! I enjoy reading about other people's sewing related acquisitions almost as much as I enjoy acquiring sewing related toys myself. I look forward to seeing the creativity that flows with this machine at your fingertips. And I hope you get a lot of smile mileage out of your new toy. Your smiling blog pictures always brighten my day!

  4. That looks like so much fun. I am really glad you bought the candy bar at the same time, because personally, had such an excellent toy followed me home, I would not have been cooking dinner with those forgotten groceries anyway;)

    1. Yup...that's pretty much what happened. Cheese & crackers is mighty nutritious...right?

  5. What fun! I think anything that resembles a sewing machine but isn't one and costs less than $200 should be acquired, no questions asked.

    1. Hee hee....remind me not to go to a flea market with you unless I'm loaded! With money, I mean.... ;-)

  6. Ohh so tempting. I think that Shams has inspired so many people to think about felting fabrics.

    Congratulations, Jilly Be! I look forward to seeing your creations.

    Rose in SV

    1. You're definitely right about shams and her inspiration :)

  7. Ohhh, you are gonna have soooooooo much fun!!!!! :)

    1. I think we need to set a felting play date.....

  8. Oh that does look like fun, and I can't wait to see your first project! :)

  9. Congratulations1 I've wanted a felting machine for a while. Have a great time creating some fabulous fabric with it.

  10. Oh my, she's dangerous now!! You're going to have that machine smokin' with all the creativity that you'll make come out of it. Enjoy!!!

  11. Congratulations on your new acquisition! I'm sure that it will bring many hours of creative fun!!!

  12. You will have fun with this, that's for sure. Eager to see your projects as they unfold (or rather, felt). I have a felting machine and although I haven't used it much, I have really enjoyed it when I did use it.

    1. I'm hoping mine won't sit in the closet too much. I do have one rather large project in mind for Fall, and I'll need lots of play/practice time before then ;)

  13. Sigh. I only have felting needles and it takes a LOT of effort to accomplish a little bit of embellishing with a single needle but it is possible for the persistent. Bargoons like yours just don't happen here in Canada. Not sure I have room for another machine anyway...

    1. I've waited years...literally....to find some of the bargains I've found. Trust that what you want is out there, and if it's meant to find it's way home to you it will! :)

  14. Oh great....didn't even know this type of machine existed, and now I want one. I could put it next to the embroidery machine that I'm so intimidated by I never use it :0\

    Looks like fun, and a bargain to boot. Share your creations, I'm very excited for you!

  15. Oh you are going to be gorgeously dangerous now!!

  16. Great score. even if its not PINK.. GRINS

    1. Hmmmmm......PINK.....who could this anonymous poster possibly be????
