Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Justine - The Tattered Steampunk Bustle

Bustle-making is still fun!  Here's Justine, my second fancy lady:

She had her public debut at the Cañada College Blogger get-together, where she was well-received, then she went up in my Etsy shop (which is still too empty to link to here), and she will soon be winging her way to her new owner!

Here's Stella the Sassy Steampunk Bustle being worn:

I'll keep making bustles as long as it's fun to do, and right now, it is seriously fun!

I seem to have hit a bit of a slump in the self-sewing motivation area, but a dear friend came over with a project for me yesterday (this is someone I owe....BIG time....) so I have a practical project to keep me busy while I search for my personal mojo....I know it hasn't wandered far!

Keep smiling...and feel free to send a few my way; I could use them right now...  :)


  1. Your bustle just demands a huge smile! What fun.

  2. BIG smiles coming your way. This funky bustle makes me grin! Love you, sister!

  3. Cool bustle! Sending you lots of smiles, rainbows, sunshine, and good thoughts, Jilly!

  4. Well, I love your bustle pieces. So creative.

    I'll bet that making these will help you get your mojo back, especially if you have a free hand in their design. They are great!

    Anyway wishing you new mojo and revived sewing muse. You deserve it! Martha

  5. SMILE - since you need one. - Heather

  6. Another smile coming your way!

    What a fun piece of work!
    It makes me smile!


  7. Thank you THIS much for all the smiles, everybody! It really does mean a lot right now....wish I could give each of you a 3D hug :)

  8. I love those bustles! I had to go back and re-read your construction methods. What fun! And don't worry--your mojo will return. Sometimes all one needs is just a little inspiration and since the seasons are about to change-there will be a lot of that floating about!

  9. "I"ll keep making bustles as long as it's fun to do..."

    YES - a great way to measure when it's time to move on.

  10. What a fun piece. A great outlet of creativity!!!

  11. Oh, I am fanning myself! I want! I want! Do you think my boss would be upset if I wore it with my scrubs? it is soooo precious!

  12. Totally b****in' bustles! They give me a big ole grin, which I'm sending right back to you.
