Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Old Habit to New Habit Shift - Patterns in October

The project I gave a couple of sneak peeks for is finished, but I've managed to lose my camera remote, so the photo session is on hold, which places the blog post on hold...

but in the meantime, it's a new month, and time for a new Habit Shift!  I'm so excited...aren't you?  I'm happy to report that I continue to snip threads consciously and regularly - truly, it feels SO good!   September's goal was to put my scissors away, which involved the simple change of moving my scissor rack to a more accessible spot, and it WORKED!  Again, it feels SO good.  Granted, I didn't sew much last month, but the first few times I wanted to use scissors, it was interesting to note that I just assumed they were hiding under a pile of fabric....until I remembered they had a new hangy spot...and there they were!!!  Every single time!  I tell you, this conscious focus on changing one small habit ... just do it for 21 days ... and you've created a brand new way of doing things.

So.  October.  So many choices!  My sewing space has been a horrid mess, not in small part because I have patterns scattered everywhere.   The proof:
Instructions for one pattern here, folder for another one underneath.
I do have a solution planned for this space....

Patterns on the serger table
Patterns under the serger table
Patterns which are not supposed to be on or under the serger table.

Oops.   Another pattern, on top of fabric meant for another pattern,
on top of a pattern piece for yet another pattern.
Pattern Folders which are supposed to be filed in the drawers behind them.
The drawers are right there
What's the problem here? 

The Folders which hold the pattern envelopes.
The manila folders hold the pattern pieces and instructions.
It's a very good system.
When I use it.

Storage for all of the over-sized patterns -
Style Arc, Decades of Style, Jalie, etc...
I had to do this when my pattern stash started getting....I am NOT going to say "too big", or "out of control".... I just needed more storage options, that's all.....
The issue, I've noticed, is no longer one of storage - I actually really like my system, and I now have enough space for it.   The issue  is when I'm working on multiple projects, with multiple patterns out, and/or I've pulled several patterns out while trying to figure out which pattern to use with a certain fabric, or I'm planning a wardrobe.   Aha......there's the rub....it's all about wardrobe planning!  Planning a wardrobe is a good thing.   Really, it is.   But it does involve multiple patterns and fabric pieces, and that can all get a bit out of hand.   OK.  Out of control.  I've admitted it.

So, my October promise is to get All.  Those.  Patterns.  organized and put in place, AND create a dedicated space for all of the patterns that are being interviewed.  Here's the plan:

Vertical filing space for all current patterns, including instructions and pattern pieces, unless in actual use.  This includes all patterns being interviewed, actively used, or newly acquired and not yet filed.   (Confession - I stole that filing piece from my office, just to get the effect.  I still need  to get one that's a better fit for this use - I'll go to Staples or Office Depot or somewhere later today.   I promise to do this NOW, rather than just put it on the already-too-full ToDoList in my head.   Promise!)  Oh, and I'd like to add that all those bits and pieces that were cluttering up this space in Pic #1?  Put away, not swept off just for the pic.   Yes indeedy, proud I am :)   One good habit just seems to automatically beget another :)  Interesting how that works....

A note on vertical filing - conventional organizational wisdom states that vertical filing is far more effective than horizontal filing (aka, 'piles of paper').  I find this to be true.

So, how about you?  I won't call anyone out, but a few of you stated out loud that you would be working on some habit shifts.   Are you still with me?   Or will you join me?

One small shift....it really works!

Now, if I can just find that camera remote.....


  1. OK--you've convinced me, convinced me that I'll never, ever post pics of my sewing room.

    I have a lot of patterns out, not because I'm sewing them, but because I'm comparing them and deciding which to use. I have to get better at being neater.

    Congratulations on being able to now find your scissors.

    1. Gloria that was my real problem too - the comparing & deciding.

      A dedicated space for comparing and deciding. It will work! Yes, yes it will!

  2. That's how I store the patterns I'm using for my wardrobe that way I know exactly where they are. You are just powering through these new habits! I'm proud of you!

    1. Thank you Carolyn! And it's nice to know that GMTA :)

  3. No more pins in my mouth...I caught myself doing it twice only last month! This month:write down all notes re: alterations on the designated 3x5 card AS I AM WORKING. I've started listing details in the corners of pattern instructions, backs of envelopes, on sticky notes. Yep, not sewing consciously.

    I am pretty good with keeping patterns organized because my studio is used as my "sitting room" also.

    1. That's an admirable shift Mary - one of these months I'll add 3x5 cards with notes as my shift; it's such a good one!

  4. My goodness, you won't know your sewing room soon! First the scissors, now organising current 'possible' patterns. Congrats for sticking with it. I keep all my 'possible' patterns for my current whims in an IKEA cane basket, also upright, so that I can just chat to them as needed. Looking forward to next months New Habit...

    1. I'm starting with the easy ones....but I'm optimistic! I see a year's worth of changes...

  5. Good for you to develop a system! You are way ahead of me. :)

    1. Ah but you made yourself a design board! And I bet you'll be using it...

  6. 'In use' patterns standing up makes perfect sense. Great idea...I'll do that too.
    Yes I'm joining you in "habit shifts". Only I'm going to do it for a week at a time...Sunday to Sunday, but starting tomorrow till Sunday for this week. This week it's to sew at least a half hour every day...a good habit for me to get into!!!

    1. That's some ambitious and impressive goal setting - you GO girl!

  7. This sounds very ambitious to me. Go for it!

    1. I'm off and running! Well....trotting slowly, at least....

  8. I store my up-next patterns in a similar vertical storage rack. So far, it's worked great!

    1. Good to know...I think this was a brilliant plan, and it's nice to have the confirmation :)

  9. I got rid of about 20 patterns that were just not going to happen and it made my bins easier to navigate- I need more space!

    1. I'm sure I have 20 patterns to get rid of....some purging is probably in order....soon.... Yes, soon.

  10. Planning and deciding patterns are dreadful.

    Things I've found that work for me.

    1) scans or PDFs of the pattern helps somewhat;
    2) having to clean up every night helps a lot

    Nice focus on habits, though.

    This month: not throwing thread bits on the floor! I'm going to take out my thread-throwing-away thing I made from underneath the cabinet...

    1. Luckily (I think) I have no small children, and the cats are no longer allowed in the sewing rooms, and I consider the floor a naturally suppository for thread bits. I'm good with that! ;D

  11. Its am impressive list of improved habits Jilly. Good for you!! I need to cull through my patterns and do a give away. There is no more room at the inn-lol. That having been said my goal for this year is not purchasing patterns but making them all myself. I enjoy pattern making but it is time consuming....so fewer items might get sewn but it helps to sharpen my skills.

    1. I should do a massive giveaway myself, now that I've figured out a bit more of what is (and, more to the point, what ISN'T) my style.

  12. You go girl; you are on a roll! Congratulations for sticking to it.

    1. Thank you :) I think starting with the easy ones is a good plan for sticking to it :)

  13. I have been following and been inspired by your "new habits" project. I haven't been doing as well as you have, but I'm motivated! Habits are hard to break.

  14. Good for you! Good habits are hard to come by and harder to keep. Fortunately for me I only have interest in sewing one thing at a time. But as I approach the end of that project, a few patterns creep out to debut...

  15. Well done for sticking with your new good habits :) I think I should do a good sort-through my patterns too!
