Sunday, December 2, 2012

Cat Bites, Not Sewing, and The Gaping Neckline

First, may I smile a great big "Thank You" to those wonderful readers who e-mailed me checking in to make sure I was OK after such a blogging absence - it means a lot to know that someone (at least 2 of you) actually noticed!  ;-D

I've not been blogging partly because I've simply not been sewing.  I would love to say that it's because life has been so fantastically busy because of the bustle of the holidays and other wonderful activities,'s just been life.  It gets that way sometimes.

I was actually in the middle of cutting out a muslin about a week ago, when my no-longer-such-a-darling kitty sank his teeth into my hand & destroyed any possibility of holding a pair of scissors for several days.   Blood.  Pain.  Antibiotics.  And not the first time this has happened in the past few months.  He has issues.   Not his fault, behaviorally, but whatever's causing this behavior has, so far, been a mystery to his vets, and right now I can't even go into the emotions that are coming up with the choices in front of me :(
In Better Times.....

At any rate, the hand, although not completely healed, is functioning again, and best of all I'm BACK IN THE SEWING ROOM!   (sorry for yelling, it's just so exciting!)

Which brings me to the Gaping Neckline.
Yes, that gaping neckline...

This is not the first time I've come across this problem, so it dawned on me that I should probably learn how to deal with it.   I think it has to do with a combination of narrow shoulders and a hollow upper chest.  Hollow upper chest?   Seriously?   Who knew????  The body oddities we discover when we start to sew....

So I read up here & there on some solutions, and decided to try this:
(hope this is clear enough)  I put a dot at a somewhat arbitrary bust point, and drew 2 lines - one to the neckline, and one to the side seam - (sorry about the picture quality; if you can see them, the lines are in red).   In this case, I drew the line to the side seam above the bust dart, since my actual bust point is a bit lower than the pattern dart's bust point (no surprise there...)

I then cut along the lines, from the pattern edge almost to the arbitrary bust point, creating a "hinge", and rotated the cut piece towards the CF, so that the neckline area lapped by 1/4" (which removes a total of 1" of fabric from the neckline), with a corresponding gap created at the side seam.

I cut a new muslin piece, basted it on, and Voila!   No more gap!!!!

And this, my dear readers, is one of the reasons I love to sew - clothes that fit!   I still get delighted and amazed each time I discover something new like this :)

Here's a sneak peak at the material that will be used.  It has sheer bits - the left side is placed over white fabric; the right side has black fabric underneath.   I'll muslin the sleeves tonight, and if all goes well with them, it should sew up very quickly :)

Oh goodie, it's so nice to be back in the sewing room, and back in the blogging world as well.  And even though I haven't been commenting much on your blogs, I've at least been skimming to try to sort of kind of keep up - know that I've been thinking of you. :)


  1. Welcome back, JillyBe! You were definitely missed!!! I am so sorry about your kitty problems. :(

  2. Welcome back indeed! I've been wondering what you've been up to, and missed your presence. So sorry about your kitty. :-(
    Great neckline fix, gorgeous fabric!

  3. Your neckline fix is terrific. Nicely done JillyBe. I'll be around for 2 more weeks so email if you'd like...after that I'll be off the grid for about 4 months.

  4. So glad to have you back here again, and very sorry to hear that your kitty is behaving so badly! Isn't it fascinating how much we learn about how our bodies are put together, and just when we have it all figured out, they go and change...

    1. Hah! You said it! Even thought I don't have it all figured out in the first place, I've already seen changes to adapt to (::rolls eyes:::)

  5. I too, was wondering where you were. Glad to have you back, and feel terrible about why you weren't blogging/sewing. Poor you and poor kitty. I so wish I had the ability to communicate with my dogs, it would make all our lives better. I will be thinking good thoughts for you both.

    PS-I adore that fabric!

  6. Good to have you back in the sewing cave, and glad the hand is healing. Pets! But we just love 'em anyway. Love the material for this top - can't wait to see it all put together...J

  7. Welcome back. So sorry about your kitty. Good riddance to neckline gap--it will not be missed.

  8. Hey, I have that fabric! I can't quite figure out what to do with it so I can't wait to see your make. Very sorry about the cat bite--my late cat bit me once (in his death throes, poor baby) and I wound up having to have my thumb surgically rewired!

  9. Glad you are back:-)
    The fabric is pretty and you definitely have the gaping sorted out.
    I am so sorry to hear about your cat. It must be terribly upsetting. I know nothing about animal psychology. It makes me wonder if he is in some sort of unseen pain that is affecting his behaviour that we cannot see. Like a kitty-migraine or something. I guess you just have to be guided by the vet. I hope it all works out.

    1. I didn't go into the long story at all, but there are definitely unseen issues going on, in his brain, nerves, under the skin....something :(

  10. Welcome back! It's good to hear you are feeling better!

  11. You were missed!!! Love that fabric and especially the way you are making it black/white underneath.

  12. I'm glad you are back, Jilly. That isn't good news about your kitty. I look forward to seeing your garment.

    Lisa of BABES

  13. Thanks for the welcome backs, everyone - it definitely feels good to be back :)

  14. Welcome back Jillian. Hope the hand and cat keep on getting better!
    The alterations to your pattern have made such a difference... isn't it nice when you learn something small like that but which gives such a dramatic change for the better! Well done! Carola

  15. Oh, Jilly, i am sad to hear about your hand and your kitty.I am glad that your hand has healed, and your altered muslin looks great! Please know i am thinking about you and your fur persons, it can get really difficult sometimes.

    on a happier topic, that fabric is wonderful and i think is a great pick for you! i'm excited to see what you make of it!! happy sewing, steph

  16. Next time you do this alteration, try using a line that runs through the middle of your side bust dart and allowing the spread to go into the dart. That will take care of any extra fabric in the side seam length and any wrinkles which appear under the dart area now that you have added extra fabric there. Love your new black and white top and the fact it looks great tucked in or out. Smashing fabric choice!

  17. You may just be a genius. Found you via Pattern Review. I wish you were my neighbor. I bet you're glad you're NOT! xo, admiring yet frustrated sewer.
