Friday, February 1, 2013

Simple Joy

Thanks to Lynne at the Sewing Cafe, I just discovered this super graphic that SO belongs on my blog!  It was crafted by the blogger at So I Sewed This, who claims to be a novice but is doing some delightfully detailed sewing already.  :)   (and she does some awesome graphic design, don't you think?)
Thanks to So I Sewed This
Enjoying the process of sewing is right up my alley as it is, and I don't usually do the annual resolution thing, so I had to give some thought to just what I might focus on to create more joy in my sewing process.   This is what I've come up with:
  1.  Take an extra moment to breathe...and smile... Consciously and with Awareness! as I'm on my way into my sewing room to work on a project.  :)
  2. Turn on the iPod and Pandora more frequently.   Occasional bursts of dancing are encouraged :)  This one is taken directly from soisewedthis, and it struck a nerve because, even though my iPod lives in my sewing room, with Pandora ready to go, just yesterday I chose not to turn it on (I won't bore you with details of why) - today I choose to turn it on.   Loud.  ;-D
  3. Take an extra moment to breathe...and smile... Consciously and with Awareness! as I'm in the middle of working on a project.  :)
  4. Be Bold!  I will cut into those uber-precious fabrics with JOY, not trepidation.   I am allowed to fail, and how can I succeed if I don't make that cut?   Eh?  :)
  5. Take an extra moment to breathe...and smile... Consciously and with Awareness! as I'm on my way out of my sewing room after working on a project  :)

I'm printing out my list, and the graphic, and placing it on the door of my sewing room as a gentle reminder.

So I Sewed This is encouraging others to join in on her re-sew-lution - so pop on over there, check out her blog, and bring her button over to your blog!

Here's to spreading a little more joy in the [sewing] world :)

... breathing ... and smiling ... :-)


  1. So glad you're joining in! I like your wording "Consciously and with Awareness!" I also have some "special" fabric that needs to be cut with JOY and not trepidation. Sometimes i like quiet when i'm working but then i start overthinking things and get nit-picky. music helps keep my mood light and fun. happy sewing (with dance breaks!)

  2. This is great and right on time! Lately, I've forgotten that I sew for fun! I'm off to make my own list.

  3. Sounds like a great mental attitude to have and endorse when sewing!

  4. so glad this appeals to you and thanks for clarifying where it all began. I have not created my list yet, still reflecting-lol

    1. I think you already have an awesome list on your post!

  5. This is so perfect! I didn't do any resolutions this year- out of embarrassment at how quickly I sluffed off last years! The husband reminds me that this is leisure time- enjoy- but reading your list and seeing it spelled out really helps!

  6. Consciousness and awareness in the moment - I love it. It gets me through the hard parts of sewing. Getting into the flow, letting creativity flow... The Best!

  7. Hey, I danced in the sewing space today! One project down, another on the table, and I put on the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Anything! to get the mojo going again, which it is! I will have stuff for show and tell.... - Heather

  8. This is perfect! I could definitely use more joy and less trepidation in my sewing!

  9. So cute and fun....I printed it out to hang above my cutting table.

  10. Found you as I was searching for info on cleaning my new to me FW and so glad I did. I love this post (as well as the spa day post). This is wonderful! :)
