Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Bittersweet Blogger Meeting and Send-Off for Amy of Sew Well

The talented Amy of Sew Well is soon leaving us for the far reaches of Seattle, and while we're sad to see her go, we welcome any excuse for a blogger meetup!   Amy and Geana of Britex Fabrics arranged an after-hours champagne get-together at Britex last week where old friends and new friends gathered to share a bit about their sewing obsessions.
Next Row:  Rebecca, Vanessa, Elisabeth of e-bethknits, and Shams of communingwithfabric
Bottom Row:  Beth of sunnygalstudio, Me of here, Kelly of bennomusik and Jean of jkaori
(Sorry, I think I'm missing a blog or two...if you see this, let me know, and I'll add your blog)

If you're confused by my succinct description of who is where in this photo, pop on over to Beth's excellent recap, and she'll unconfuse you lol!

Most (if not all) of us were wearing me-mades, but of course!  We were more interested in chit-chat than taking pictures of clothes, so this small batch of pics will have to suffice, although some other pics may show up on other blogs soon  (hint....)   It was nice to find a couple of new-to-me blogs, and maybe convince some non- or inactive-bloggers to get busy showing off their projects!

We paused for a photo session in front of one of the best window displays in downtown SF, (well, imho, anyway) at All Saints, which is conveniently located right next door to Britex.  :)

We then moved on and let the fun begin at Rouge et Blanc Wine Bar, where much story-telling and big smiles prevailed for the rest of the evening :)
Our friendly server tried to offer us more tables, but we were a cosy bunch,
and preferred to be jam packed and close enough to hear ourselves chat away :)

Did I mention how chatty we were?  I could barely get people to stop and smile for the camera!

Thanks to Amy for taking time from her busy work and packing schedule to arrange this delightful gathering!

I feel very very lucky to live in an area with such an active group of sewists and bloggers!  Sewing Blogger Meetups are always worthwhile, so if anyone has an excuse to gather, let me know!   


  1. Yay! I still haven't had the time to write anything about our fun evening together. I'm hoping things calm down next week... when I'm sadly no longer living in wonderful, sunny California. Anyway, it was great to see you again, and I look forward to reading all about your adventures here on your blog. If you ever make it up to Seattle, let me know, and I'll do the same when I come back to visit the Bay Area!

  2. WOW, I recognize so many people and it is a delight to see everyone together, I know what you mean about the nonstop chatter! I got together with Cidell of Miss Celies Pants recently to attend the Baltimore Sewing Expo. We both talked so much we didn't have a chance for pictures. Meeting up with sewing friends is so great. THANK YOU for posting!

  3. It was really lovely to meet you at the meetup! Looking forward to future meetups.

  4. It was wonderful meeting you! Such a fun evening.

  5. What a great group shot! Happy women radiating interest and creativity. I am with all of you in spirit.

  6. Jilly great write-up and if I didn't say it before, I think your dress is beautiful and you are so creative. It was so much fun let's do it again soon!

  7. It really was a lot of fun! We will really miss Amy!

  8. It was wonderful seeing you again, Miss Jilly! I can't wait until the next meet-up, although I think we will all miss Amy.

  9. Looked like fun! Your KOOS coat goes perfectly with your KTilton dress!

  10. What great fun (sigh) I wish I could come over and meet up with you girls sometime :)

  11. I am so glad I got to meet you, Jilly! It was such a great pleasure to find a group I could share my crazy excitement about sewing with. There wasn't enough time to get to know everyone, and I so wanted to inspect everyone's self sewn things... You were absolutely elegant in layers. Beautifully done!

  12. It was a pleasure to meet you, Jilly, I hope we'll meet again!
