Friday, May 3, 2013

Me-Made-May - It's Friday!

Why did I wait so long to participate in a Me-Made-May???  Nearly 500 participants this time around!  Had I known how fun and inspirational it can be, I would have jumped in before now.   I thought that it required wearing  something you made every day of the month, AND taking a daily picture (not enough me-made clothes and taking a daily pic sounded like WAY too much work...)   Wrong on both counts!

Although I have vowed to be wearing at least one me-made item all the time during the month, I still don't think I'll be able to take a daily picture, and that's fine by get to make up your own "rules" - my kind of group!

 My plan is to post what pics I have on Fridays; here are this week's shots.  People are getting creative with the concept of a Friday Theme - this week it's Water.

Day 1 (It was only Wednesday, but I jumped right in with the water theme):

Day 2:
aka The Lil Ole Lady Dress Gone Wild

Day 3 (Water Theme Friday)
Looking for some bigger water.....
(the tops are RTW)

The heck with it - I'll just stand in the fountain.

So far, I've separated out the me-mades from the rtw in my closet, and that's giving me a much better idea about what needs to be re-homed, recycled, or ripped and re-made.    So many of my older, rtw clothes are really NOT in good shape, other than the nicer items, which don't fit well (amazing what you discover about fit when you start sewing, isn't it?)  I wish fabric shopping weren't so darn fun, because I seriously have more than enough in my closet and stash to last me.....[ahem] a rather long time....

I'm also actually WEARING clothes that have been a bit neglected (translation:  skirts and dresses).  That's partly the weather - high 80's 3 days in a row!   As much as I love the tropics, that's just too danged hot for here; I'm wilting....  Standing in the fountain was yummy on the feet :)

Oh yeah, and taking silly pictures that aren't just showcasing a particular pattern or garment is another perk, and it actually makes the whole picture-taking thing more enjoyable :)

Another nice aspect of all this is that I'm discovering new-to-me sewists and blogs, new patterns, and even new pattern companies!  Like this Japanese company - I'm really tempted to download a couple of their patterns:  Tamanegi-Kobo  (click on the "Patterns in English" link, and translate).  I really like the Sophia jacket, and check out the sleeves on the Fujiko top (set-in on the front, raglan in the back - unusual!)

Sophia Jacket - Love the collar, lose the belt though.

Looking forward to playing with my wardrobe and seeing just how far I can stretch what I have this month, meeting new people, filling myself with new inspiration....and doing some major wardrobe reassessment :)

And you?  Have you or are you participating in MMM this year?  Or have you in the past? What is or was your motivation, and what did you take away from the experience?

Off to do some errands before the afternoon heat starts to wilt me even more....

Happy Sewing, Everyone!  :)


  1. That Sophia jacket is very lovely- I agree about the belt. You definitely need that one in your wardrobe. I didn't join MeMadeMay because I just don't have enough clothes and I can't commit to anything. I really want to do it- maybe next year!

    1. I notice a number of people who committed to wearing something me-made 2 or 3 X a week - anything goes! Lots of motivation in the group no matter what you decide to do :)

  2. Themed photos---great idea. By the way, you look great in skirts.

    1. Thanks Gloria...I'm warming up to the idea....

  3. Love you week in water-review!

  4. Hey Lady, love your pics and beautiful smile! Thank you for clearing up those rules...cuz I don't want o be taking daily mugshots! I'll jump in next year!
    The Sophia jacket - two thumbs up, minus the belt!

    1. aww thanks :) And I hope we both join in next year!

  5. Love your "Little Old Lady Dress Gone Wild"!

  6. You are too funny:))) Isn't it wonderful though to be able to go to your closet and pull out so many outfits and know that you made them all?!!!

    1. We'll see how wonderful it is by the end of the month & I'm desperately trying to not be boring lol!

  7. You are tooo funny! Thanks for sharing such a nice variety and with a cool theme too! I think you have the only Marcy Tilton house dress that can be worn in public.

    1. Hee hee....truth is, I was motivated to make it because I did see a particularly nice version (worn by the lovely Barbara V, a non-blogger)

  8. I love the Me Made challenges for just the reasons you highlighted-anything goes. It's fun to see "real" photos and real wardrobes-not staged pattern photos. This year I am sitting on the sidelines as I am really busy with other hobbies this spring.

    The skirts look good Jillian, I hope you try some more.

    1. Thanks Mary, I really am planning on making more - I'm liking the concept! :)

  9. Yes, I am joining in too! I lvoe these challenges for just the reasons you listed; it is fab to go through the wardrobe regularly and sort out just what is and isn't working. Photos are the best way to help you really "see" your clothes I think. And a whole month of them is a challenge for sure, but not an insurmountable one :)

  10. You pick the best patterns- so fun and lovely!

  11. Loved the water pics, you are so cute standing in the fountain! Love the MMM idea and maybe next year I'll join in..

  12. I do think you carry off those Marcy Tilton designs so well. They just look ridiculous on me. I love your outfits so far. I am looking forward to your posts, but no pressure. LOL

  13. Love that top you are wearing whilst watering.

  14. You always look cute! Gee, now I want to make that Marcy dress too.

    I never join MMM because I always wear me-mades every single day anyway. Plus I guess I'm just not a joiner. However, the other day I suddenly realised that I had on a complete set of my handmade clothes - right down to the undies! I'm aiming for that to become an everyday occurrence. Getting closer all the time.

  15. MMM totally puts your wardrobe in perspective, as you seem to have found out! I really love your Marcy Tilton dress!

  16. Your photos are so much fun! My sewing is not up to the challenge but I can enjoy vicariously...
    And thanks for the link to the pattern site. I am in love with Wilma!

  17. I'm so sorry I missed signing up for MMM, as it sounds like so much fun! Love your photos -- the lil ole lady dress gone wild + great hat is my fave!

  18. I admire everyone who participates in MMM. Something I could not do, despite having mostly me-made clothes I live in shorts and tees at home and those are mostly not made by me. And I am loving this weather, bring it on! that jacket from the Japanese pattern company is beautiful, you should go for it!

  19. I'm taking part as well and having a great time! Here in Alberta we have transitioned between Winter straight through to summer in one week, so I started with dark 'heavier' clothes and finished off with lightweight skirts that I am continuing this week. Not as hot as you though! I am loving all the Style Arc patterns and the Marcy Tilton dress - you look fabulous!

  20. Lovely week outfits, I'm also joining in.. The best is really to see what's works and what doesn't in a short period of time

  21. LOVE that day 2 dress, Jilly. What a great week of Me Made!
    And that sweater coat? I'm jumping on the link right now!

  22. Hi, I've always enjoyed Me Made Months, and since I started my blog this year, I thought I'd get on the bandwagon. Enjoying it so far, and not too much of an imposition time-wise.
    Enjoying your blog posts.
