Saturday, July 27, 2013

And We Have a Winner!

I'm still loving my frabjous new pencil sharpener (I just wish I had more pencils to sharpen....), and hope the winner of my Giveaway loves it just as much as I do!

And the winner is...   Cathy H, who was entrant #168 out of 168 entries!    Which just happens to be the most entries I've had for any giveaway - by FAR!    Goes to show just how popular this pencil sharpener is!   Congratulations Cathy - hope to hear back from you soon, so that you can claim your gift!

***UPDATE*** Cathy H did not step forward to claim her sharpener, so rafflecopter drew a new winner.....who is.... Darcy S! Entry # 28! Congratulations Darcy! I hope to hear from you soon :)
UPDATE #2 - I heard from Darcy right away, and she's super excited about her win - yay!!!!!   Here's to sharp pencil points everywhere ;-)!

And for those who didn't win, but might want their own sharpener anyway, the quick and easy way to get one is to order directly from the Classroom Friendly site - they're speedy and friendly!

And Cute.   Did I mention how cute they are?

Meanwhile, on the sewing front, I realized yesterday that all of my sewing for the past couple of months has been for gifts for others, repairs for others, or learning/class-related (including the dreaded moulage), so my next project (or 3, or 4...) is going to be something fun and selfish - for me, me me!  (with the finishing-of-the-moulage mixed in....)

I'm off to the sewing room to play with my stash and figure out what that might be.....

A Bag?

Betzina Pants?

A Tunic or dress out of this fabulously fun knit from Hart's?

Stripes!  T-Shirts!? 

All of the above actually fit into my "need" category - jeans may be higher on the priority list, but they're not high on the "fun and (relatively) easy" category, and that's what's calling me right now. I'm off to pet fabric, peruse patterns, and see what jumps onto the cutting table first.....

May we all have a bit of extra fun with our current and upcoming sewing projects!  


  1. So much fabric, so much choice, sooooo much fun ahead of you! I have a similar sharpener on my desk at school - no way ever will I go back to the old two-holed-chewer again...J

    1. TOO much fabric, TOO much choice! Hours later, and although I've refined the possibilities, I still haven't made a decision!

  2. Sometimes fun and easy is just the ticket. Whichever pattern bubbles to the top, enjoy making it!

  3. Love the bag idea. Lately I've been looking at all the fabulous scraps I have of beautiful fabric I love to look at and thought: how come I don't make some gorgeous cloth bags for toting my groceries? And I might just make it happen ...

    1. Go for it! Knowing your taste, I bet you have some gorgeous scraps! And your project is on the agenda as soon as I have some selfish sewing out of the way ;-)

  4. Looks like you have a bunch of fun sewing project planned Jilly!

  5. Great fabrics. You more than deserve to have a little selfish sewing time :-)

  6. All your ideas are wonderful and whatever you decide is sure to be gorgeous. I am sewing with some black/grey mesh knit right now.

  7. Your choices are way too fun...I'm dying to see which one you picked! I'm sort of hoping for a striped T. :)

  8. Okay, I'm bracing myself - did you actually say "jeans" as something you can sew? That does not compute. Jeans are another stratosphere in sewing magnificence. I bow down to you and your machinery. Good luck on your projects. And congrats to Cathy. That is one mighty fine pencil sharpener!

  9. When I saw those Betzina pants at Pattern Review Weekend, I totally thought of you! I'm glad it is on your short list of projects!

  10. You're going to have fun with all of these goodies! Maybe Vogue 8904 with one of those stripes?
