Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Self-Drafted Wrap-Top Form-Fitted Jumper with Palazzo Pants (aka: Do Not Try This at Home)

I admit that I'm a decidedly selfish seamstress for the most part, with the occasional project for others thrown in the mix, because, well, as a sewist, that's what's happens.   Right?  The most fun I have (usually) is making something for my darling niece Laurel.   It helps that she's a huge fan of everything I make, and that she's super fun to collaborate with, with her own developing sense of style and willingness to step outside the box.   And a shapely young body to boot.

For her 24th birthday and a going-away present (Nepal for 6+ months!), I wanted to make her something she could travel with....and the collaboration began.

She decided she wanted a jumper.   No problem, says I.   With palazzo pants.   Can easily be done, I says.  And a wrap top. Umm....OK.  Tight.  Very tight (show off said shapely, curvy body, after all).   Knit wrap top, silky palazzo pants, body-hugging jumper.

Did I mention the tiny waist and the curvy hips that said jumper must fit over while donning?.....my darling Laurel, some of the requests you may be granted, but not all at once.

Off I go searching for a pattern to use as a jumping off point.   There is no such pattern to be found (at least in my search).   I wonder why?   Undaunted, I carry on with a T. Gunn "make it work!" attitude.  I used an existing wrap-front knit dress of hers and a complete set of measurements, found the fabric, grabbed my scissors, and the adventure began.

This was step one:   a combination of all of the fabrics used:

I blogged the process that I used to create the 4-strand braid Here.

I have spared you all, dear readers, with the journey that I took creating the finished look.   You may thank me for that, because who wants to commiserate with angst?   The fact that she lives a couple of hundred miles away and we had a total of 3 fittings (plus one more, and then just one more, and then one final one before the final final final fitting).

There was a point towards the end when I realized that, if it didn't fit at all, it could magically turn the jumper into a pair of awesome palazzo pants, and I did start breathing more easily, knowing there was a simple save out there, just in case...  But we all survived!

Since there were so many fits and starts, taking progress pictures really wasn't even an option without writing a book, and as you may have noticed, just getting a simple blog post written on a regular basis just ain't happening lately, so I'll just jump ahead to the final pictures:

The braided belt, the bamboo knit top, the knit under-belt thingy, 
and the palazzo pants from a ploy silky:

Ready to Travel the World!:

And/or dance the night away....

...looking comfy and chic....

Ready to stand on the mountain top and teach, and learn, 
and experience the glories of the world!

The Designer and the Recipient:

The Designer, the Recipient, and the Bug:

The final result was not constructed with perfection, but it fits, it's comfy, it should travel well, it can be dressed up or down, and best of all, Laurel loves it!   So was it all worth it in the end?

You betcha!

Farewell my darling Laurel - wear it in good health and with a smile on your face, and return home from your adventures safely and filled with great stories!   And maybe I'll see you next year in Kathmandu......


  1. These are excellent travel clothes, made with love and protection in the very fabric. Fellow travelers will be sure to ask where she got her great stuff. Cherchez the aunt! Such a perfect bon voyage gift too. I love your family shot.

  2. Oh, Jillian, what a great job you did! And she looks so happy. That was definitely a challenge indeed! And now it's time for some selfish sewing. ;)

    1. You bet! My mind is spinning....finish the Spiral? Carry on with the Liberty? Stay stitch the skirt before it ravels beyond fixing? Ooooooh the possibilities! ;-)

  3. Oh man, there is nothing better than wrapping yourself in a garment made of love. Lucky girl indeed! Beautiful garments that are sure to warm her body, heart and soul when she wears them.

  4. Such a lucky niece! She is beautiful and her outfit is gorgeous. Good job! Thank you for posting about this. I've been lax about my blog. Not because I don't have things to talk about,, but I've been having difficultiess sitting downn and putting it out there. Seeing you again, posting lovely things, helps get me inspired to share again. Thank you! I always love seeing your creative works!

    1. Looking forward to hearing from your blog! I'm on a roll now.... ;-)

  5. there is nothing like a big smile from someone that appreciate the gift of receiving a handmade garment. its so thoughtful of you

  6. A perfect going away gift and beautiful as well. So creative and yet practical. Well done!

  7. A lovely reminder of home for the traveling pants!

  8. This brought tears to my eyes. So special. Wow!

  9. Beautifully made clothes on a lovely young woman. You are very right to be proud of this gift to her!

  10. This is fabulous. Well done for making it work.

  11. Oh, this is such a lovely outfit. Great colors, excellently sewn, and very flattering to Laurel. I'm sure she'll enjoy wearing it!

  12. Every giver needs a great receiver. Lucky both of you.

  13. Your niece looks stunning...you made an awesome outfit!!! Such a good auntie you are!

  14. Great travel outfit and such lovely colors...but...where is the jumper?

    1. Were the pictures not showing up? (because that just happened to me....) Or are you thinking the European definition of jumper?

    2. What a dofuss...I was thinking there was going to be a jumper dress in addition to the pants and top....ahhh I see...the pants ARE the former jumper...I love this very cool outfit! Please ignore me...brain fart!

    3. lol! When a seamster as brilliant as you has a brain fart, I can excuse my many doofus moments more easily! ;-)

  15. How wonderful for both you. It was touching to read about the "journey" that the two of you took to make this all happen. Beautiful outfit, perfect for travel and already fun memories for both of you.
