Saturday, October 17, 2015

Pippi Longstocking, Marcy Tilton, and Me

So I know I'm missing the leggings, but still - aren't we just quite the little trio?   I seriously want to make some striped leggings and wear this with my Trippen boots!

I fell head over heels in love with this pattern, Marcy Tilton's V9108  - not in small part because of the stunning graphic on the front panel!  But of course one can't just copy everything about a pattern now, can one?   Even though, when I saw that fabric in person (shams made a GAWjuss shirt from it!), I wished I had it!   Wishful thinking only, since I'm sewing almost entirely from stash these days (and I really can't complain about the size of my stash! - thank the heavens for my greed foresight when I was still working and had an income lol!)

Wanting to make this, and choosing the fabrics, turned out not to be as easy as fabric mixing usually is for me.   Something about the layout & proportions of everything really presented a challenge for me.   I wasn't the only one!   My friend Ann (who, sadly, hasn't been blogging for ages - even longer than I) and I had a brainstorming session to help each other piece together our options.

In the end, I cut up an old pareu (rayon) I've had for years (that's the printed panel), and combined it with the stripe and the black (both knits), and ran a lovely ribbon on both sides of the panel for balance and a smooth  transition.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.

The construction is just unusual enough that I felt it warranted a slapped-together muslin, and I'm REALLY glad I did this!   I somehow missed a rather crucial fitting bit - the fact that there are straps added on to the shoulders that connect the front and back.   I couldn't figure out why my top was SO much shorter than the pattern pic, until I finally found the extra pattern pieces.   And with the way it's constructed, it just isn't possible to fit as you go - it all finally comes together in the end.

Unfortunately given my absence from blogland and the fact that I didn't take pics or make notes along the way, I have no memory at all of whatever fitting changes I made!   I'm sure I made a small (I nearly always do with Marcy patterns), and I used my TNT for the t-shirt, adjusting the neckline to match the jumper's.

Oh yes, the t-shirt!    People who don't know the pattern usually think this is a one-piece, but it's actually a jumper with a t-shirt underneath.  (what do you Aussies and Brits call an American jumper?   In spite of my British Mum and some Britishisms that stuck with me, I'll never be able to refer to a sweater as a jumper...)

In the end, this outfit has been getting a LOT of rotation in the wardrobe!   Maybe not the most flattering of outfits, but super comfy and versatile - I've worn it with and without the t-shirt, depending on weather, and once I get my Pippi Longstocking leggings made, it will transition nicely into cooler weather too!

And the pockets!   LOVE the big pockets!

Yes, it is indeed shorter in the back than in the front.   (reverse mullet?)   A bit odd, and if I made it again, I think I would even out the hem.

All in all, I love this pattern!   Comfy to wear, great pockets, multi-seasonal, super fun options with color blocking... Marcy has done it again!

Note the newly painted front door?   AND new porch stain as well!   Big Big BIG thanks to my fabulously generous friends who put hours and hours of work into making this happen while I wasn't feeling up to much of anything!    I did do the door myself this month, after I started getting some pep back, but the whole project never would have been started if it weren't for some old friends (and old friends are best!!)  who showed up with tools and time and muscles and got it all started.    And it was a LOT of work!!!

Here's to more pep in our lives, fun sewing projects, and red front doors!

P.S.  I'm adding this edit because I just had a grammar discussion with some friends.   I thought  about titling this post "Pippi Longstocking, Marcy Tilton, and I", but I ended up opting for the "Me" instead of the proper grammar - because I thought it sounded a bit on the pretentious side.   Isn't that a little sad?  Was I just being silly, and most of my readers would actually notice the error?  What would you do?  


  1. The house changes are wonderful and yes, old friends are best :)

    I like the jumper! It's so fun and I really love the stripes.

  2. I love this design, and wish I could wear it. Sadly, whimsical does not play well with me. Your use of print and color is such a fantastic choice, and the overall shape suits you. I agree that Marcy is on a roll lately.

  3. Love your outfit! The front of your house looks great as well.
    Glad you are able to sew and post again.

  4. You look just darling! Makes me want to dig through my stash and find fabrics to look like yours!

  5. You look so cute. And I'm joyful along with you, just having read your last post. gosh, Jill, what a journey. Hugs, glad you're back and feeling better. Sure missed you.

    1. Thanks so much Coco - I've missed everyone here too!

  6. This dress is so cute on you! Your smile in showing it is priceless!

    1. Thanks Cerie - it feels so good to be smiling (for real!) more! :)

  7. Isn't it funny what the mind's ear" is sensitive to? If you had titled your blog post Pippi Longstocking, Marcy Tilton, and I, it wouldn't have sounded pretentious to me. But using a subjective personal pronoun after conjugations of the word "is" does to me. I was so relieved to read that it's now considered OK to use the objective personal pronoun after is. Who took the last cookie? It was me.

  8. So happy you are sewing and posting again!

  9. I love your rendition of this pattern! I have it but am unsure whether I would like wearing it..... I just need to go ahead and make it! As an Aussie living in the US, I would call this a pinafore.... I am so glad to see you back to blogging!

  10. I am also glad you are back. I live far away in Belgrade (Serbia) but was following your posts and it was refreshing for me. You are making NOT ORDINARY things and this is my compliment as I think that women are nowadays like uniformed soldiers.
    Thanks for PIPI, somehow you are like she, positive and always with smile. Stay like that.

    1. Awww thanks so much for your sweet words Maja :)

  11. Pippilotta! Mycket Vackert! Your dress is lovely. You had me at Pippi! I've dressed as her 2x for halloween and I just adore the story. Anyone who is willing to put the zesty and wild Pippi with Marcy Tilton is awesome in my book. I love your dress. It's playful yet chic. Sophisticated and silly. YAY!

    1. LOL Thank you! Would love to see your Pippi costumes! I loved reading her stories as a kid :)

  12. Great use of the pareu. And "me", IMHO. So glad you're back!

  13. wonderful play of pattern and solids. BTW what we call jumpers, Brits call pinnies (for pinafores)

  14. I love this! So colorful, creative. Especially the Striping detail. Stephanie,

  15. Welcome back girlfriend! I have missed seeing your smiling face and wonderful creations. I really miss my stash and my machines but can't complain as the traveling and people-meeting have been fantastic. (right now in southern Portugal) Will be in SoCal in February but don't think time will allow me to come up your way - but I'll be thinking of you and the fun we had at Stone Mountain & Fabrix! Take care - love the door!
