Sunday, December 6, 2015

23 Lovely Ladies and a Greedy Gift Grab

One of my favorite types of parties is an old-fashioned White Elephant gift exchange.  One of my sewing groups holds an annual holiday party with a Greedy Gift Grab - and the gifts are far from White Elephants!

This group consists of creative, talented, and often elegant ladies with exquisite taste and sewing skills to die for, and many of the gifts are hand made and to die for!   The most fun is seeing these normally polite (but fun-loving!) women narrow their eyes at a coveted gift and go for the gusto with no-holds-barred enthusiasm!

We usually have so much fun at our gatherings that there is no time or thought given to a group picture, so this year I brought my camera and herded the cats together for a rare remembrance shot of the group.   Some of you will recognize many of the faces, but names have been eliminated to protect the not-so-innocent.

For my gift, I made a couple of felt containers - when I gather up my blog-posting energy again I'll post some instructions - I may make more for myself!    And I love love love the saying on the cup I found!   Big Bang Theory fans/fabricoholics will now have a new ear worm in their brains... ;-)

I was one of the early numbers in the number draw, but I happened to open a gift that ended up being VERY popular, so I ended up back in the fray quite a few times before the end.   There is definitely no guarantee that the gift you start with will be the one you go home with - especially if it's something you really like (because everyone else probably does too, and it WILL be stolen from you!  As it turned out, I went home with an exquisitely made pin cushion (which I stole from someone who loves this shade of red, but tough cookies Dorothy!)  ;-)

Delicious food, lots of laughs, great company, and the grey drizzly day even finally cleared up for us enough to enjoy the view from Ann's beautiful home!

A brief note on the health front - I actually ended up in the hospital last week, thinking I was going to go home with a new liver!   It was quite a dramatic day, since I got "The Call" earlier than I expected, but as it turned out I was only a back-up, and after 12 hours waiting (and getting readier by the minute!),  I found out that the liver had gone to someone else.   Disappointing at first, but the good news is that I learned so much about how unprepared I really was!    Focusing on getting all of my ducks in a row now, and really really really looking forward to being filled with energy and able to work again!

For any of my readers who don't yet know my story, here's a link to the background story, and a fundraiser that dear friends set up for me - I'm eternally grateful for all good wishes, healing energy, and any way that you can spread the word to help me get through this with as much grace and joy as possible :)   Jillian's Angels

And in the meantime:


  1. Twas fun, indeed! Jillian, you have been an inspiration through this journey back to health. I hope that the final (and huge) step works out in the best possible way in 2016!

    1. Thank you shams! 2016 feels like a very good year!

  2. What a great bunch of smiling women!! That joy is contagious. Your gift exchange sounds like so much fun. Your felt pieces are definite treasures but if everything was as wonderful as you show here, everyone went home a winner.
    I too hope things work out on the health front. I'm cheering for you!

    1. Thanks so much for the cheers Melanie :) Everyone definitely did go home a winner!

  3. Oh you are so lucky to have so many sewing and creative friends to be part of a group with, what a great gift that is along with that pin-cushion and cup / felt containers. It looks like a fun time. Sending positive thoughts and prayers your way for a speedy road to recovery.

    1. I am lucky indeed! I had no idea when I started sewing again that such a community was possible :) And thank you so much for the positive energy!

  4. I guess you will have to think of it as a dress rehearsal! I hope you get your new liver soon, Jilly. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Love those felt bags. When you feel like it, I would like a tutorial. Hold fast!

    1. Good phrase - "dress rehearsal". Those hospital gowns make quite the fashion statement ;-) I will definitely put a tutorial on the agenda :)

  5. I am glad that you had such fun time. I also keep organizing corporate events at my workplace and every time I organize an event it goes same like other ones I have planned before. So, this time I want to make it little fun. Please suggest me something. What to do.
