Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Still Obsessed With Neckties...

I'm happy to report that I am continuing to find uses for my extensive necktie collection, while also expanding my meager belt collection.   

This tie, in all of its gaudy glory, was the unlikely perfect combo of colors and swirls to tie together an outift (to be revealed in the near future)

I'll start with the finish, so you don't need to wonder what the heck I'm doing with all of my silly little folds & buttons & stuff:
Yes, it's a belt!

I started by making a few folds,
and tacking them in place with a button, using heavy-duty thread

Close-up of button and folds

I tacked down the folds on the back side....

added some velcro
(for the variable waistline & layers of clothing, you know....)
The velcro under the button area is hand sewn;
the strip of velcro on the flat end is sewn by machine

And that's all there is to it!

Next up:  one of sham's famous tablecloth skirts and a report on another blogger meetup scheduled for tomorrow (two in less than a week, how lucky am I?)

Yes indeed, I do believe I'm back :D


  1. Oh, this is so unique - I love it! And I love that you're back to sewing. I've missed you!

  2. Very creative belt! I can't wait to see the outfit this goes with. :)

  3. Very cool use of a necktie, JillyBe!

  4. Clever! My husband is always wearing out neckties, so ideas on what to do with them are much appreciated!

  5. Terrific idea! That belt would sell like hotcakes in a boutique or art fair.
