Sunday, May 27, 2012

I'm Back! With a few topics du jour..... :)

#1 -
Mumsy - January 2, 1915 - April 23, 2012
Yup, that's 97 full & fabulous years :)

The inevitable arrived, and my darling, precious Mother passed peacefully, in her sleep, early Monday morning on April 23.  I could write volumes; I've already spoken volumes to my incredibly supportive and amazing and healing friends, colleagues, hospice helpers ... even strangers I meet in every day life.

All I will say at the moment is that I am blessed - blessed to have been born of this gentle, honest, loving, and forgiving woman, and blessed to have been her caregiver for the past 5 years.   The challenges, the lessons, the laughter, the joy .... all of it was, and continues to be, one of the most amazing journeys of my life.

Yes, I am blessed :)

#2 - The month following Mom's death has been packed to my eyeballs with activity, grieving, healing, support, and, in short, transition on steroids!  I had been doing a TON of clutter-clearing, organizing, and gardening in the past months, and decided to go ahead with my planned yard sale a mere 2 weeks after her passing.
This was a smashing success!   Cleared out LOTS of crap-I-mean-treasures (even sold 2 of my sewing machines!) & made a bit of spending money to boot :)

#3 - I dove back into the gardening & house cleaning...
Built these steps from 4X6's & granite fines -
a great way to keep the old body in shape!
View of the backyard from my office window preparation for...

#4 - a Gathering of Gratitude/Celebration of Mom & Life & Friends, which was another delightful, and healing, success :)
Pear Tree, gifted by a special friend in memory of Mom
The tree became a very special focus during the Ceremony honoring Mom :)
#5 - After all of that intense activity, (and a few hit-the-wall-and-sleep-all-day times of much needed focused healing and rest) I feel like I have a world filled with paths of opportunities in front of me.  I'm definitely in transition, still recovering, and thoroughly enjoying the freedom of being able to go out & about & play...and stay out as long as I want...and absotively RELISH time with friends!

This weekend has been one of those times that's been filled with the freedom of flitting about hanging with people I like, doing things I love ~ like eating gourmet food, feeling up fabric, enjoying art, having heart-opening experiences and conversations, and lots of laughter!

It all began with a yummy lunch & Fabrix shopping time with the always fun-to-be-with Shams and  ReAnn, who I was delighted to finally meet during her visit here :)   Besides our love of creative sewing & fabric petting, we share a love with a certain footwear manufacturer, and by pure coincidence (yeah right...) we all showed up wearing said shoes:
Whose feet belong to which sewist?
(and for those who are not yet obsessed with these outrageously fabulous shoes, they are Trippens)
And I have to add that our footwear was admired by total strangers who stopped us in the street to comment :D
You will notice that Shams & I have similar-sized bags -
it wasn't until the following day that we discovered we each went home with the wrong bag!  
Good thing we plan on meeting again soon :)
#6 - The Big Question - What's Next on the Sewing Front????????

Here's my poor, neglected sewing room as it looks right now:
Add caption
LOADS of opportunities awaiting here:
  • Finish the Soho Raincoat?
  • Finally make a tablecloth skirt?  (I'm feeling a lack of transitional season long skirts, so this is a strong possibility, especially since I already have 3 fabrics chosen for one!)
  • Pick up on my promise-to-self to perfect pants fitting this year?
  • Make some always needed new knit tops?
  • Clean up the sewing room & just start on the first thing that sparks my fancy?  (that's kind of my style......)
Stay tuned.....I'm back!!!!

And by the way, my motto of the moment is that I'm ready to do anything & everything (within a modicum of reason) Because I Can!!!!!  (that includes a bit of blog-reading catch-up....)

Here's another little gardening shot to leave you with....
Matillija Poppies in the wind......


  1. Welcome back, Jilly! It's so good to see a post from you.

    I am sorry for the loss of your mother. Clearly she left part of herself with you, in you. Those of us who were raised by wonderful mothers have this gift.

    And I'll let you now when my plans for visiting SF in October firm up. Can't wait to meet you and Shams!

    1. Thank you Martha :) I really look forward to your visit! I saw Sandra B at Stonemountain a couple of years ago, & it was definitely a fun experience!

  2. Jilly, so nice to see you posting again. All's right in the world now.

    So sorry about mumsy. That pic shows just how much you resemble your mother---I never noticed that before.

    We never did introduce my 96-year-old FiL to your mother. These days he's moving quite slowly so wouldn't have been able to chase her.

    You had a successful yard sale. You sold machines? Is that legal? LOL.

    1. lol - I believe it may be illegal to have as many machines as I do & never sell any!

  3. Good to "read" you again!
    And glad to hear you are on the healing side of loss! You are indeed a treasure your mother left with us!
    Continuing blessings!


    1. What a sweet thing to say Brenda, thank you :)

  4. Ah, Jilly, how nice to see you blogging again! I have kept in touch with your life on FB, but missed the personal feel of the blog. You are a hero of mine...your care, patience and love of your Mom is awesome! I hope you're not all Trippen'd out and meetup'd out...I would love to see you this week!

    1. Margy I am so looking forward to seeing you again! From what I'm hearing, you're the one with the busy schedule, so you'd better fit me in!

  5. Jilly, you have been in my thoughts and on my mind more than I can say these past months. It is good to read of your process through the loss of Mumsy. It sounds like you are doing things that truly have helped you.
    Your gardens look terrific, the house is cleaned out, you're reframing your day-to-day life, and now you can sew again! I'm so glad you're back!

    1. Thanks Dixie - I look forward to putting some of the inspiration you give into practice :D

  6. I'm so glad to see you back and posting, Jillian! I am so moved by the journey you have been on and it strikes me that you and your mom are equally blessed. I am so impressed by how you have put your own life on hold for the last 5 years to be present for your mother's last years. I'm sure that her final passing was beautiful - what a gift you were able to give her. And I was very moved by the gathering you held in her honor - you are very special.

    I can't wait to see you sewing and posting again! And I do have your fabric in my car. I hope we can see each other this week to exchange our bags. :)

    1. Your words put a smile on my face shams - look forward to seeing you next week!

  7. Glad to have you back. I've missed you. In fact, I was thinking about you tonight, in church of all places!!

  8. So happy you are posting again, Jillian! Missed your happy face. :) So sorry to hear about your mumsy. Such a difficult time for you! A pear tree is a perfect memorial.

  9. Jillian, you are blessed! Hubs and I took care of his parents in our home until their passing, and always feel we did the right thing. Then my mother was in a nearby assisted living facility, and cared for her until her passing. I don't think there is anything we can do that is greater, but it is still hard. We know well the feeling, we don't have to rush home anymore! I love that photo of you and your mom. Very precious.

    1. One thing I've discovered is that this is one of those life events that can really only be understood by those who've been there. Thank you for your understanding comments :)

  10. I'm sorry that you lost your mom, but glad that she passed away so peacefully. It's great to have you back posting. Your garden is beautiful, a real sanctuary!

  11. Oh, I am so sorry about the loss of your mom. You hadn't posted in such a long time, I had a feeling..........

    I am so glad you are back, I missed you.

  12. So sorry for the loss of your mother. You were a good daughter and caregiver to her. I was caregiver to my mother, and know the stress on your body and mind. Although you want to do it, it does take a toll. And it takes some time to recover from all of it.

    1. Thank you Gwen :) I think I'm going to get a bit of mileage out of the toll this is taking on my brain function & ability to focus [grin]

  13. Welcome back Jilly. Sorry to hear about your mom's passing.

  14. Thank you - Everyone! - for your sweet comments, both about Mom and the welcomes back - it's nice to be back, indeed! :)

  15. welcome back JillyBe...I am happy to see you blogging a bit.

  16. I am sorry for your loss! I am very glad that you are back.

  17. Jillian, I am very sorry for the loss of your mother. :( but it sounds like you have lots of support and are moving on well. I am also really glad to have you back, your blogs are always so positive and inspiring! P.S. Your garden is so beautiful, pics of it make me ooh and ahh.

  18. What a wonderful picture of you and your mother! I'm sorry for your loss. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your creations.


    Rose in SV

  19. So sorry for your loss, yet so glad for you that you had many years with her.
