Friday, July 27, 2012

Meet Some Blogger Buddies at Canada College!

For any local bloggers out there who have not yet heard of this event, I'm spreading the word..... Canada College is hosting its first Blogger Meet-up -for Sewing, Fashion, and Crafts Bloggers - on Monday, August 13 from 7:00-9:00 pm in building 3, room 255.  Canada College is located at 4200 Farm Hill Blvd., in Redwood City. (that would be California...)

Canada College is where the FABulous Artistry in Fashion event is held in the Fall.  My first time there was last year (blogged about here).   The minute I had this year's date confirmed, (September 29) it went on my calendar, and will for every year to come as long as I can still walk and appreciate artistic fashion :)

In the meantime, this blogger meetup sounds like a fun event!   I'll be seeing other sewing buddies I know there, and hope to meet some new buds as well :)

Special guests will include Wayne Wichern, local milliner and Lynda Maynard, author of The Dressmaker's Handbook of Couture Sewing Techniques: Essential Step-by-Step Techniques for Professional Results

Please RSVP to Ronda Chaney, Department Chair at (650) 306-3370   or by August 6, 2012.

Ronda suggests that you bring some of your work to share  - who among us doesn't enjoy doing that? ;-)  Rumour has it that the food will be plentiful, and there will even be  gifts for all!

Hope to see you there. :)


  1. If only I could be there...........

  2. Have fun Jilly. One of the benefits to living in/around a large city is events like these. Out here in the far, far, far, distant rurals we must follow blogs like yours to enjoy them. So thanks in advance for sharing:)

  3. I won't make that August meet up but I have planned a visit with DH to my father in law's to coincide with the Sept. show. Can't wait to meet you and other west coast bloggers in person!

  4. thats sounds fabulous.. have fun and tell us all about it x

  5. Hi Jilly,

    thank you for the alert. I've RSVP'd and I'm going to try and attend.


    Rose in SV

  6. I'll be there. It'll be nice to meet some other local bloggers.

  7. This sounds like it's going to be awesome! Thanks for the information!
