Saturday, August 11, 2012

I was SOOOOooooo Careful....and still.....

This happens:


I was finding SO much pleasure in making a relatively simple garment, from a lovely, stable woven, and all I wanted was perfection.  Is that so much to ask?   I measured, basted, adjusted, and thought I had a perfect line at the collar band seam, but nooooo......   And not just one side, but BOTH sides.   That's a little more than just a turn-of-the-cloth error.

Oh, I might add that I didn't catch this until after I had trimmed and clipped my edges - not until I was pressing.  But of course.

So tell me,  1)  Have you ever made a perfectly stitched garment that required NO unpicking?  (please just lie to me if you have).
2)  Will I ever make a perfectly stitched garment that requires NO unpicking?  (feel free to lie to me again....)

For what it's worth, one side is now repaired; I just had to come and vent a bit before re-doing the other side.

An aside:  I know I've been a bit absent from blogland lately, but I'm sewing again, and look forward to catching up on my blog reading-and-posting....and I'll see a few of you Monday night at Canada College's shindig!


  1. Well, it's a beautiful color, Jilly! And it will be lovely once completed.

    As to your question, I'm fairly certain that I haven't made a garment in decades without ripping. And the only reason I ever made one without ripping is because my standards were just that low.

    So think of it as an indication good taste, refined sensibilities. You have it. Lots of it!

    1. Good taste, refined sensibilities, higher standards. Yes yes, that's a good story to stick to! ;D

  2. Awwww, I know exactly what you are talking about! Does it help if I tell you I spent all day on a project for DD1 that is a complete failure? I then decided to cut my losses and do a sewing task for a (very good) friend. It came out ok, but UGH.

    You do feel better? I thought so. :)

    1. Oh dear....a complete failure? Well, I guess there is the whole misery loves company thing...hugz?

  3. Just don't unpick it and then do it again the same way. Me personally? I never make mistaeks.

    1. No one turns a mistaek into comedy quite like you do ;-)

  4. Take a deep breath and know that you are not in the pool alone.

    1. The trick is to not try to breath while still under water.....

    2. You made me laugh Jilly! But with your creative skills, I don't think you are ever really under water.

  5. Oh no! I hope you can fix it up! Unpicking goes with the territory... :) I bought a new unpicker just last month after about 3 years using my old one. Unpicking is now actually enjoyable again... I'm ripping through seams fast and easy; had no idea my old one was so blunt. Through loads of use, no doubt... ahem.

    1. I fixed it, & matched my 4 angled underarm seams PERfectly! Feeling quite smug, I managed to screw up the sleeves I decided to add as an afterthought.....but I can fix that too. I'm determined!

      Three YEARS for an unpicker? That' impressive! I haven't even been sewing for 3 years (this round) and I think I'm on my 3rd one already!

  6. I have never made anything I consider perfect but I forget about all thoses things after wearing something for a while. Those collars are pretty tricky anyway.

  7. The sainted Mrs Darling, my old home ec teacher always said, 'as ye sew, so shall ye rip' that fabric!

  8. Aww, are definitely not current problems involve the serger and the wrong part of a garment under the knife. Oh
    Well, a chance to be creative! Love the shade of blue...

  9. Jilly, Ripping is just part of what we do. I have some waiting in the sewing room now. Looking forward to seeing you and others at Canada tomorrow night. Ronda

  10. ahhh Jilly, this is why I practice my hand stitching. I too have done exactly what you did above-trim the allowance and then realize that a "resew" was needed. As for absences, my heart is fonder.

  11. It's rare that I turn out a "perfect" garment. But I only unpick those glaring errors, the rest are classified "good" or "enough".
