Friday, January 18, 2013

And the Winner....

... of my 2nd Blogiversary drawing ....

will be announced in one short moment!  First, I want to say that I am SO touched by the heart-warming comments everyone left on my blogiversary post.   Seriously, your comments made my day, over and over again.   I'm looking forward to yet another enriching year of sewing, and because of my readers, a fulfilling year of blogging about my exploits!

And now for the winner - it's Number 17!!!

Snoopy is Dancing!!

The Sun is Shining!

Even the Penguins are Happy!

And a package containing these goodies 
will be winging its way to you soon!

Oops....did I not say who Number 17 is?   (my impish side is showing....)  };-)   Number 17  is... Jane of Lucky Sew and Sew!  Jane's smile is infectious, and her blog always has something interesting going on - lately it's been home dec projects staging a home.   Jane, an email will be on its way to you asap!

I have a feeling this was more exciting for me than it was for my readers - I'm already wondering what excuse I can drum up for another giveaway!

Meanwhile, I have a couple of hours that I get to spend in the sewing room - happy sewing all!


  1. I wanted to say Happy Blogiversary - but I did not want to be included in the give-away, so I refrained. So here it is - Happy Belated Blogiversary! Looking forward to seeing you soon in person. Cheers! Heather

  2. And I just added Jane to my blog list - those I look at whenever updated. It's good to get a new voice added!

  3. Well done, Jane! She does have an awesome smile...J

  4. Congratulations to Jane.

    Jilly, even your announcement of the winner is fun to read and interesting.

    1. Thanks Gloria :) When are you going to show up for a BABES?

  5. Replies
    1. Awwww thanks Andrea - you just put another smile on my face :)

  6. Thanks a lovely cute way of announcing the winner

  7. Love the post, Jilly. Congrats, Jane. Looking forward to seeing you--and your great smile--next weekend.

  8. Oh my gosh, I am one lucky gal. You will all get a laugh when I tell you my motivation for entering this contest. Mr. Lucky, the DH, has been working hard getting us more and more prepped for the real estate sales market. Well, last week he wanted to make the hand held shower sprayer work even he grabbed the small sharp thing on my sewing table to poke into the spray nozzle and remove calcium deposts. Yup, broke my wonderful Clover seam ripper. So thank you, Jillian, for the lovly prizes and very much needed sewing tool! I'll email you my address. Now it's back to cleaning grout lines.....

    1. Hmmmm, a sewing awl would work well on mineral deposits, don't you think? Better hide it!

      Lisa from BABES

    2. Sounds like the perfect recipient won! :D

  9. A belated happy blogiversary to you, Jilly!!! I'm soooo honored to have been a part of your giveaway. Jane, I certainly hope you enjoy your journal. :-)
