Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy Blogday to Me...Happy Blogday to Me... (and a Giveaway)

Yes, my blog is TWO years old!  Well, technically, the date is tomorrow, but I'll be gone all day, and I can't wait to share :)

I would love to start by sharing a little nibble with all of my wonderful readers - isn't this cake just too yummy-looking?

I WANT this cake!  
(And I don't even like most cakes all that much)
Made by kategreencakes.com,
I think this is the most awesome-looking 

sewing themed cake ever!
When I started this blog I really thought it would be mostly for me - a way to document my projects - but it has grown into so much more, thanks to all of you!   The community that I've developed and expanded, the sewists I've connected with, both via comments & emails and better yet, in person, have enriched my life in ways I hadn't imagined.   Thank you, thank you, thank you all :)  You have given me advice, encouragement, pats on the back, smiles and hugs, and the courage to step into fabulously unknown territories and have fun with it all!

Out of curiosity, I ran through the projects I blogged about in the past year, and came up with some surprising numbers.   I made a total of 28 items (at least that I remember and blogged about) -  not as many as I thought, but not too shabby.     Of those, 11(!!) were self-drafted!   Who knew?  Most of those were pretty simple projects, but still...
Of the rest, 7 were Vogues - 3 Katharine Tiltons, 2 Marcy Tiltons
3 Simplicity
2 Sewing Workshop
and 1 each McCalls, Burda, Style Arc, Au Bonheur, and New Look.

This coming year, I think there will be many more Style Arcs (I have a stash of them, untouched, for heaven's sake!), a lot more Indies, and, I'm sure, a continuation of lots of Vogues.   Another thank you to all of you for presenting your inspirational views of patterns I would probably have overlooked!

Now, as my mundane "Thank You", here's a little giveaway that I hope someone will really appreciate :)

I LOVE this notebook!   It's a spiral-bound 5x8" journal, with graphics by our very own bluemooney at Unzipped.  If you don't win this one, you can get your own (or some fun sewing-related mugs and other goodies, at mooneydesigns.  Robyn is, imho, way too quiet about her graphic design goodies, so I'll do a little horn-tooting for her :)

The other bits in the giveaway are a Clover seam ripper (because really now, WHO can't use another seam ripper?  Hello?) and one of my favorite fabric marking tools, the Clover Chaco Pen Liner.  I like this marker because of the super fine line it makes.   The chalk brushes away very easily (VERY easily - it's not so great at long term markings on fabric that will be handled a lot before you need the mark, but it's perfect when you want a precise, fine line).  And it's refillable too!  Although I've been using mine for at least a year, and it's still a long way from needing a refill.

This giveaway will be open to anyone, anywhere (as long as you get mail delivery!   I think I'm not feeling generous enough to pay for a dogsled expedition to the far North...)

Please leave a comment on this post by Friday, Jan. 18, 5:00pm PST, with some way to contact you (an email listed on your blog is fine).   Depending on the number of posts, I'll use some fair and scientific method of drawing the winner.   My cats are completely unbiased, so perhaps I'll enlist their help....

I'm so excited!  A giveaway!  And I'm the giver!   I hope the recipient is as excited as I am - good luck all!  :D


  1. Congrats on your 2nd blogiversary! I'm so grateful to know you, to be able to call you friend. I love reading your blog to keep up with what you're making. There's so much sewing under the bridge since we met on that PR contest!

  2. Happy Blogday, Jillian!! Like Dixie just said, I love seeing what you've created and love reading your blog. 28 items is a fairly busy sewing year. Especially with 11 self-drafted.

  3. Hi Jilly, yours is such a fun blog, and one I really enjoy :) congratulations on your blogiversary, keep up the great sewing and thanks for sharing.

  4. Happy blogiversary! I have really enjoyed your blog and look forward to all the new creations you make in the next year.

  5. Happy blogiversary, Jillian! You have a wonderful joie de vivre, and it has been wonderful getting to know you, both through your blog and in person. Here's to a great year number three!

  6. Congratulations. Love the cake picture!I wish I had made that many garments last year - unfortunately my total was in single figures

  7. Think it was a bit over two years ago when you asked me about blogging. You're the perfect person to have one and look at all it's done for you. Congratulations!

  8. Two years! Congratulations! Here's to many, many more!

  9. Happy Birthday to you and your blog - looking forward to many more!

  10. Happy blog day!! You are always a pleasure to read! Keep blogging, please!!! Sarah

  11. Happy blogday, always entertaining

  12. Happy Blogiversary, Jillian, and thanks for sharing the past 2 years with us all! Keep it going...J

  13. Happy Blogday! I'm happy that you blog.

  14. Happy blogiversary to you! I love reading about your projects and the effort and thought and creativity that you write about so well. May you have many happy returns of the day

  15. Jillian,
    Happy Blog Day to you!
    Isn't this blogosphere amazing! Here I am, in a 'catastrophic bushfire warning' area of New South Wales Australia, having spent the day watching the sky, making arrangements to move stock and trying not to worry.....and what am I doing ? Sitting at my desk now that its dark, and checking your blog to see if anything has been revealed about the next surprise project!
    YOU are the gift! Thank you so much for sharing your ideas- and ideals-wonderful projects and 'how-to's'!
    Thank you

  16. Happy Anniversary and looking forward to another two years. Your new skirt looks very interesting, by the way.

  17. Hooray, it's your blogday birthday! Cheers and good wishes for many more....and many more fun and sophisticated garments. I am so impressed with the self-drafted number this year; that's a wonderful achievement.

  18. Happy bloggy day to a very inspiring gal!

  19. Happy blogday! You were one of the first people to comment on my blog, and I was so grateful. I have been your humble servant ever since. 8-) Thanks for being an inspiration.

  20. Congrats on your blog anniversary and yes, that is an awesome cake!!

  21. Happy blogday!
    I enjoy your creativity, you have great ideas, incredible cleverness in applying them to real life clothing, and wear your amazing garments with such flair.

  22. Congratulations, Jilly! And OMG, that cake! Must have that cake! I wonder if there's a white version.. LOL

  23. Happy blogday! You are an inspiration in many ways. Looking forward to year three!

  24. Happy blogday! Cocos.loft@gmail.com

  25. Congratulations, love reading your blog (not always commenting though).

  26. Happy Second Blogiversary, Jillian! And wishing you many more. Love to read your adventures in sewing and whatever else you care to share.

  27. I want to wish you a Happy Blogaversary! The sewing community has been enriched with you being a part of the blogosphere! However don't enter me in the drawing.

  28. I came over via Peter Lappin's blog. Amazing cakes on his blog which apparently all started with your wish for a singer cake.
    Happy Blogaversary and seam-ripper-free sewing wishes.

  29. Happy anniversary Jilly! Your blog is always a joy to read, bubbling with fun and happiness; I love visiting you virtually.
    No entry for me, either, thanks :)

  30. Happy anniversary! I'm sure your third year will be just as good if not greater than the last two!
    eleanorkrause87 at gmail dot com

  31. I want the cake too!!!!!! Actually, the cake does look wonderful, but it just wouldn't be that good if I couldn't share it with you:-) Congratulations on your success with your blog. Your smiling face and your energy are always a joy! The giveaway is lovely. Thanks for sponsoring it!!

    1. I forgot to leave my email address, sewbusstes@yahoo.com.

  32. That is a cool cake! Happy Anniversary - I always enjoy checking in and seeing what you are up to! Thanks for sponsoring the give away! jkachkar(at)shaw(dot)ca

  33. congratulations on blogging for 2 years! and, I would like that cake as well! You can find me through the RTW fasters. . .as we share this year's sewing journey.

  34. Congrats! I have to agree, best cake ever!

  35. Happy (belated) blogday! Doesn't time fly? I completely agree with your sentiments about the community, starting a blog for yourself and finding yourself surrounded by great people.

  36. Thank you, everyone, for the delightful and uplifting comments about my blog! I'm beaming, really! :)
