Thursday, January 10, 2013

My (not so) Little (not so) Black Dress

This is probably as close as I'll ever get to the proverbial Little Black Dress, but it's simple, it's neutral (dark grey/chocolate brown almost black), it's accessorizable, and I think it should take me to a variety of places.  (Ahhh, this brings to mind some very fond memories of reading one of my favorite Dr. Seuss books "Oh, The Places You'll Go!")

The Pattern:  (I'm not sure where this model thinks she's going - she certainly appears to be ready to soar.  Or something...

Lynn Mizono's Vogue 1312.  In spite of being a declared non-dress wearer, I am warming up to the concept and keep finding more dress patterns sneaking onto my cutting table.  This is now my second made dress!   To add to the 2 (sleeveless, very casual, summer frocks) I already own.   Which makes a grand total of 4 in my closet.   I think this makes me rather the odd one out in this dress-sewing crowd!  At any rate,  this one I wanted to make from the moment I saw the pattern!   There was a bit of a drawback in that it calls for nearly 5 yards of fabric, and I didn't have anything suitable in stash of that quantity.  Even finding something I liked that fit in my frugal budget was proving a challenge!  I'm pretty sure that I used something closer to 4 yards in the end.

The Fabric:  The pattern calls for lightweight fabrics - I ended up using something I would call a "winter weight" - quite substantial, and a bit of a concern because of the possibility that it would pull the dress down.  It's a lovely stretch woven - another find from Fabrix -  a burn test was inconclusive, but the important part of it to me is that it feels quite yummy :)  And in the end  it's stable enough that I think it will hold its shape nicely.   I lined the bodice with a stretch Bemberg rayon, which has just a little less stretch than the fashion fabric, and they played well together.

The Fitting:  I muslined the bodice, and ended up doing my usual narrow/sloping/forward shoulder adjustments.  I also thought the neckline was too wide for me, so I added 1/2" all the way round the neck.  This turned out to be perfect.  The muslin (in a woven) wiggled over my head easily enough, so I eliminated the zipper.   If I make another one, in a summery woven (which is very likely!) I will probably fit the bodice a bit more snugly and add the zipper.

I used a very scientific and precise method of tissue fitting to determine the appropriate length, documented in these pictures:
Length of pattern as drawn
Carefully folded up a precise 4" -
the length I decided on
Note about lengthening or shortening the pattern:  The skirt has an upper section and a lower section; the pattern pieces are marked to "lengthen or shorten here" on BOTH the upper and lower sections.  Unless you really want the upper section to be a different length, I strongly advise simply cutting off (or adding to) the length along the hem edge of the bottom pieces.   If you try to adjust both upper and lower, you will end up with pieces that don't match up.  Trust me.  (Dorothy found the same problem in her PR review.)

I'm 5'4" (almost), and I'm happy with the length shortened by 4".

The Process:  This is a well-drafted pattern, and the instructions are clear and easy.  (Yay!)  Everything went together beautifully.    All of the pictures and instructions that one would need are right in the pattern envelope :)

I did take a little side trip when I decided to add pockets - I blogged about my method here in my previous post.

Here's a look at the partially made dress, with the upper portion of the skirt attached to the bodice.    A short skirt lover could stop right here if they wanted!  The lower skirt is simply 4 rectangles sewn together - very easy to shorten the length after it's all put together, if you wanted to wait until that point.

The Results:
The Pose.
Of Course.
One simply must do The Pose.

Because I'm also going to pose like this
on a regular basis.....

Looking Normal.

LOVE me a pocket!!!

The necklace is a creation by Don Pezzano of Urbandon - if you're not familiar with his work, check him out!  Mostly he designs and makes menswear, but his jewelry is unique and amazing!

So, where should I go with my version of the LBD?

Next up:  A 'should-probably-have-my-head-examined' project - something I made once and  sweated blood and tears over, and in the end get very little (if any) wear out of....and I'm doing it again?   Yes, yes I am.   To be revealed....


  1. I love that you have a picture in "the pose." It looks great! The heavier fabric doesn't seem to have been a problem.

  2. Superb... This dress really suits your personally and the 'pose' just killed it.. This dress can take you anywhere i would think lunch with friends would do nicely x

    1. Well, if you didn't live 3000 miles away I would love to do lunch with you! ;-)

  3. Brilliant! Looks like you had a lot of fun at the photography stage - fun and a great fitting dress, what more could a girl want!!!

    1. Oh, I don't know....someone to go out with while wearing it? ;-D

  4. for a non-dress wearer this is perfect for you, as Rachel said suits your personality

  5. Love the dress AND the pose! This could ALMOST convert this non-dress-wearer (I have the pattern). Great job, Jilly!

  6. It looks great, Jilly! I too am finding dress patterns mysteriously appearing in my sewing room but almost never actually wear dresses. I think I have 2 right now. But this one inspires my (but I'll leave out The Pose) :-)
    Misty Youmans

    1. Dorothy did The Pose. I did The Pose. You can do it too! ;D

  7. Simply couldn't resist commenting on this one because of The Pose... simply brilliant. Oh and the second one too. I expect you to take the opportunity to revisit the first Pose in every large window you come across. You know aside from the hilarity it actually looks like a great piece of clothing... maybe you will become a converted dress wearer?

    1. Hee hee....oh, I can just see the photo possibilities....

  8. Your dress, although not the traditional LBD, is fabulous. Just fabulous! And you wear it so well.

  9. Absolutely wonderful Jilly!! I love it! AND the pose, OF COURSE!!
    I've been eyeing off this pattern for some time and I think you've just tipped me over the edge to get and make one for myself :)

    1. Oh I hope you do! I know yours would be GAWjuss!

  10. It looks absolutely fabulous - and wonderfully paired with those shoes too. Looking amazing!

  11. The dress is great on you - good choice of fabric, it drapes really well. Love the post - very funny, and your pose . . . . . I have 'America's Top Model' running through my head - 'I want you to be fierce, but still modelling from 'head to toe''! That is what Tyra would have said!!

    Great job!

  12. Fabulous you are!

    Love the dress, love the pockets, love the shoes, love the fascinating necklace.

    Dress like that and the Universe will make plans for you. Just watch...

  13. It looks fabulous, JillyBe! I love it in that fabric!! You will get years of wear out of this one!

  14. YOu rock the pose.
    What a great dress on you. I am curious, is the skirt constructed like Sham's not-the-tablecloth awesome pattern?

    1. Very similar construction, yes. The seaming is a bit different, but the shape is exactly the same. Shams nailed it!

  15. The dress looks great and the pose is perfect but....I LOVE those shows!!!!!!!

  16. That was supposed to be shoes, oh well. I'll blame it on the iPhone ;-)

    1. lol. Give me another year, and I should learn how to walk in them.... ;-) I've only had them for a year already!

    2. You can call them sittin' shoes ;-) They're just to fabulous to spend their life in the closet. A friend of mine bought a pair of fabulous shoes when she was in her 80's. She called me over to admire them and confessed that she couldn't walk in them so she christened them sittin' shoes!

  17. LOVE it! and love THE POSE! - Heather

  18. Fabulous JillyBe! Dress and review and pose :) too much fun and such a great dress that looks even greater on you!

  19. What a great result - this is a fabulous but also really wearable looking dress!

  20. Oh you. Sigh. Now I have to have that pattern as well. It looks so good on you, I love it! The perfect meeting of pattern, fabric and wearer. I think you will be wearing it a lot.

  21. You look better than a Vogue model in your LBD and your pose!!! And so clever of you to add the pockets! Now I want to get that silly pattern, too, so I can make a dress with pockets! Congratulations!

  22. Dang, that is a fine looking dress on you, even unadorned. Definitely a pocket-appropriate dress. You will be able to decorate yourself all kinds of ways in that dress. I might have to try out that style when I visit your dress....

    Lisa from BABES

  23. LOVE the pose. (and the dress!) :-)

  24. Great pose. But your 'normal' pose shows it's a very nice pattern and dress. The pose didn't sell the pattern to me. Looks great on you.

  25. Now that is MY kind of not-so-L-not-so-B-D! Looks so elegant on you, Jilly. Especially with Don's great pendant.

  26. I like it and I just love your pose - I think.

  27. Love the looks very nice on you! I was on the phone when I read your blog. Got to the "pose" and burst out laughing. Way too funny...Vogue needs to hire you!!!

  28. "The Pose" is perfect! I love this dress on you -- so flattering!

  29. Love this dress on you! It looks super comfy and drapes nicely when left to itself. I'm really diggin' it!

  30. Like the other 52+ people, I just love your version of this. Have the pattern, must make it now.

  31. You look great in this dress and it is perfect for wearing with statement jewelry.

  32. This dress is great and i LOVE that you did the pose!!!

  33. Love it. Post, pose, dress, everything!

  34. Heres a funny thing. I am making this pattern up to wear to my daughters wedding. I am using the sleeveless one as it is in Summer. Today she asked me if would do a reading at the wedding. She wants me to read "Oh the places you'll go". Then I google Lynn Mizono's dress. The planets collide.
    PS you look lovely. I will do my best to make it as good as yours.
