Thursday, March 21, 2013

That Frosting....Revealed.

Way back when (several weeks ago, just before my blogging life took a nap) I made this post about my welt-pocket-in-uber-long-faux-fur.   I finished it shortly thereafter, and finally got the camera out today.  Here we are:

The pattern is Katherine Tilton's V8777, also reviewed here.  I didn't mean to buy the faux fox, truly I didn't, but I kept walking by it at Stonemountain (over the course of 2 or 3 separate visits there), and my hand kept reaching out to pet it, and day it just followed me home.  I had a hefty discount coupon after all, and the cutter was being VERY generous, so the total cost of this vest was about $15, so how could I resist?  (Time spent doesn't factor in the cost when you're sewing for yourself, after all....right?)

I did the usual sort of cutting prep when sewing fur -
Marked the cutting lines on the back:

Cut through the backing, avoiding cutting the fur:

I parted the fur along the seam lines and combed it over to the side, then trimmed the fur that was on the seam allowances (no pictures of that, but you get the idea).

Somewhere in blogland I had seen a picture of a fur vest with the back made of fur-less fabric - an idea I blatantly copied (sorry to whoever gave me the inspiration - you're out there somewhere but I have no idea who you are; apologies.....).   Thank heavens, because this puppy ended up bulky enough without encasing myself in a full sausage of fur!   I used a lovely woven with a bit of stretch (the same fabric in a different color as The Dress With The Pose - this fabric may well still be available at Fabrix, for local SF folks - it's really quite yummy!)

I also lined the front pieces with the same fabric.

And yes indeed, I AM using those pockets!

I ended up cutting some bulk off the center front, and I also shortened the vest by several inches (that fur is LONG!); other than that the sizing is the same as the first vest.  I sewed the lining in by machine along the bottom edge and the armholes, and hand sewed the fur to the lining along the side seams and the neckline.   Other than the welt pockets, it all went together fairly quickly.

This is definitely a frosting piece; I don't know how often I'll actually wear the thing, but I'm sure I'll have some fun with it when I do!  :D

I have been sewing - more will be revealed shortly.  In the meantime, may we all enjoy a little tasty frosting now and then, whether it's healthy & practical or.....otherwise ;-D

and.....I had to add this photo, because....just because.   Because I just HAD to!   A few of the uber cute goat kidlets I petted and played with at Harley Farms last weekend :)

Oh!  One more thing!  Rhonda Buss, from Rhonda's Creative Life, is a finalist in the Sew It All Casting Call, competing for a spot on a tv show!  If you haven't yet seen Rhonda's contest entry video, please check it out - I think she has a deserving win with this, and you can vote for her if you agree!


  1. Nicely executed! We all need a little frosting now and then:-)

  2. There's a little wild woman in all of us;) Such a fun vest!
    I was so surprised when I got to the end of your post. So kind of you Jilly, but then...that's Jilly!!!! Thank you , thank you:)

    1. Wishing you the best of luck Rhonda - you do deserve it!

  3. I love this vest. You may not wear it very often, but when you do, it will be such a pleasure. Well done!

  4. Fantastic vest. I love how you used fabric on the back, which would make this baby much more comfortable with more layers. Great idea no matter who thought of it. I agree - we all need that icing. Last photo is so cute!

  5. Fun, fun vest. You will wear it well. On a side note, I LOVE goats! Thanks for the photo.

  6. I'm not a huge fan of "fur" but that vest is dang cute! I want to pet you now. ;)
