Friday, May 17, 2013

Another Successful Me-Made Week :)

Loving the Me-Made-for-a-Month concept.   Seriously, Loving it!  I'm definitely choosing my outfits with more consideration, and dressing "up" a bit more, even when I'm planning on spending most of my day at home.  I'm ready to pop out to the grocery store at a moment's notice (hey, I might even find an excuse to go out and about!)  And I'm sure we all know that when we feel better about how we look, we project that, and strangers smile a bit more, and a few more feel-good vibes end up getting spread around.   If we help spread a few more smiles around, just by dressing a little bit more consciously, then who's to argue with that?

Here's this week's roundup:
Day 11 -
Au Bonheur Asymmetric T,
rtw pants

Day 12 - Mother's Day.
I spent a good portion of the day tending the garden in memory of Mom -
along with teaching me to sew, I spent many cherished hours with her in our vegie garden as a child.   She instilled in me the love of fresh vegies, along with the pleasure of getting my hands dirty.  :)   "It's CLEAN dirt", she used to say.   

Day 13 - A jeans work day.
Wearing the first tshirt I ever made (pre-blog, and I'm too lazy to look up the pattern)
and the first jeans I ever made (Jalie Jeans)

Day 14 - Another version of Shams' tablecloth skirt,

Days 15 and 16 were 2 more jeans work days.
These took an immediate claim to Favorite Jeans right after making them, 
and I take a rather perverse pleasure in the fact that they are now really showing their wear - the knees are thinning, they have a few stains, and they really shouldn't even be worn as work jeans anymore!  (I do see clients while wearing them!)

And finishing off the week, it's Theme Friday!
"Hats" is the theme for the day, and not only did the weather cooperate,
but so did my hair (bad hair day).  Perfect!
Wearing Decades of Style Collar Perfection blouse - pre-blog, and
rtw pants.

I'm still identifying wardrobe holes, and already looking forward to next year's MMM, when I might be able to set a realistic goal of wearing ALL me-made clothes for a month!


  1. Your outfits are wonderful, but even more so your happy face:)

  2. Looking great! Congratulations on another successful week.

  3. Wonderful outfits Jillian. Those jeans are so cool...

  4. Jilly, your outfits are so lovely, casual, dressy, and perfect all at once. I really love the housedress for gardening. I never thought one could garden so stylishly! Of course, your ever present smile is what I think makes each outfit so wonderful. :) Also, never heard of this MMM, but think it is a great idea! Sometimes we do let our wardrobes just "go", as it were. something for me to think about.

    1. Thanks so much Linda! BTW, I picked flowers in that dress, but I do try to avoid digging in the dirt when dressed "up" - well, I TRY anyway lol!

      Zoe hosts Me Made May and Self Stitched September - I definitely recommend giving it a go!

  5. Very successful week indeed Jilly. I specially love the Mother's Day outfit and the tablecloth skirt.

    1. You know what? I wasn't wearing that dress very often, and now, because of the MMM, I'm loving it!

  6. Lovely outfits all, really love the dress on you!
    The flowers in your sink are so pretty - all from your garden? Great way to spend Mother's Day, getting your hands dirty.

    1. Thanks Andrea :) Yes, I love this season because my garden is so full of picking flowers!

  7. Bravo -- I'm jealous -- some day I'll be there. Love the French Housewife Dress and Sham's skirt.

    1. You may already be there! Some people join with a promised to wear one me-made item 2 or 3 times each week. You get to make your own "rules" :)

  8. look out - i'm about to gush! i love everything you made - the funky cool dress and those jeans are just amazing, awesome and perfect! and i love all the different background shots to your pictures and i love your house and most of all that beautiful smile. felt the feel-good vibes all the way across the country! thank you Jilly and bless you.

    1. oh my goodness - you just put a huge grin on my face!!! Blushing and thanking you! :D

  9. Go for it next time! The support by joining "officially" is quite invigorating :)
