Wednesday, May 15, 2013

I Don't Much Like Bright Shiny Obj - Oh Look!! Some Glitter!!!

Really.  You won't often find me wearing much of anything bright and shiny, other than a bit of jewelry, perhaps a touch of metallic thread - I'm just a bit more of the earth than I am of the stars.   Except for those times when my mind is wandering through the galaxies, but that's another matter....

But still.  How easy it can be to get distracted by the glittery baubles that jump into our path, squealing "Look at me!  Pet Me!  Touch me!   Sew with me!"  Right?   Not that I ever actually bought and sewed with any of it, that is....until.... A friend asked me to make her a flashy, over-the-top, steampunk bustle.   And then another one.   And my little Etsy shop was born.  And even though I will likely never wear this sort of flash, sometimes it's just flat out FUN sewing with the metallic, the shiny, the polyester and velvet and tulle and sparkles.   And although I've never before been much of a fan of raw edges in garments, with the bustles and costumes I'm really feeling a penchant for slicing and dicing and shredding and letting the raw edges flit and fray and live their own life...

One bonus of sewing with fabrics like this is that people often end up with them in their stash and have nothing to make with them - sometimes it's a "What was I thinking?!" matter, sometimes it's just leftovers from a costume or some other project - whatever the reason, my darling friends find a bit of glitter in their stash, think of me, and say "Aha!  It's bustle material!  Dump it on give it to Jilly Be!  And I happily fondle it, knowing I have material for another over-the-top concoction that I get to dream up :)

Here's my latest creation, custom made for a client who is making articulated fairy wings (!) to go with it.
Back view, inside and outside - This one is reversible!:

Side View:

Once I (thought I) was done with the new client's bustle, she asked me to embellish a bra that was to be part of her costume.   Oh goodie!  More flash and glitter!   I thought this would be a simple fix.  Hah!   (Note to Self:  Do NOT, repeat NOT, agree to work on someone else's sewn item before you've had a chance to actually inspect it.)   After replacing the nasty, scratchy, el cheapo ties on the original bra, and then repairing the poorly sewn beads, (all of which took WAY longer than my embellishing!) I was finally able to get to the fun stuff.   Here's the result:  (Note:  my dress form is about 2....or 3....sizes larger than the client)

The client is going to add the wings, which she is making herself.   She has promised me pictures, and I hope I'll have permission to show y'all the completed costume!

How fun can sewing be, eh?   Now it's back to more practical stuff   (i.e., sewing for moi...)   Oh, and a gift for a special someone - another creative and too-much-fun goody, I hope!

Can you tell that sometimes I just love to sew?  ;-D

Oh, and by the way, in case you're wondering about that friend who got me started on the bustle-making, she wears hers to steampunk events, where she sells her art - the most amazingly awesome snowglobes you have ever seen!   I DO hope you get a chance to see them in person, but in the meantime, here's second best, a link to her website, Camryn Forrest Designs


  1. What incredible pieces! You have the skill to bring your imagination to life in fabric. I hope you will be able to post the final ensemble. Camryn's snowglobes are also works of art.

    1. Thanks Melanie! Your compliments mean a lot, since I think you are a mistress of creating imaginative, artistic ensembles!

  2. Oh, what a surprise to be mentioned here!I love the bustle (but of course!) and I must tell everyone who will listen that one is guaranteed to feel fabulous wearing such a work of art.

    I want to see her wings! Can't wait!

    Camryn Forrest

    1. Hey, I'll send people your way at any excuse possible lol!

  3. Whoa, Jilly! Such fun. Looks like fearless sewing, to me. I love this statement: *I'm just a bit more of the earth than I am of the stars.* And I love your enthusiasm.

    1. lol I was very afraid at first; not I'm just loving it!

  4. What fun! I'm with you, I am of the earth, but I like to look at the stars! This looks like daunting sewing, you must be brave, very brave.

    1. I do like me a nice little challenge every now and then.... ;-)

  5. That bustle is gorgeous! I love that it has two such different looks to it with the reversibility. You really have a knack for this kind of design

  6. So fabulous, JillyBe! You have a natural talent for this fun, glitzy embellishment!

    1. A natural talent? I dunno, but I like the thought! :D

  7. I wonder when you will branch out into capes and other creative pieces...oh, oh...and maybe decorate horse bridles!

    1. lol something tells me the horse would necessarily be thrilled with tattered bits flapping around his head!

  8. These just take my breath away! I'm trying to imagine going to a party where this whole outfit will be worn!!! WOW! And yes, repairing beadwork, etc takes WAY more time than you even imagine. Watching a good drama on TV while doing this sort of work can help but my oh my you have just gone off into the land of wonderful and creative!!!!

    1. Something that takes your breath away makes me swell with delight, thank you! :)

  9. This post got my attention, either because I like bright shiny objects or because I couldn't imaging why you of all people would be sewing them. Now I know! Good job and your client must be very pleased!

  10. Wow, looks amazing! :)
