Saturday, May 25, 2013

Another Week (or so) in May :)

And another successful batch of Me-Mades!   Still loving the process, still exploring and learning more about my closet, my style, and surprisingly, my Self.   Who knew that a simple challenge about wearing clothes could end up being something of a soul-searching journey?  More about that at the month's wrap-up, I'm sure!

Day 18 - relaxing on the porch in Katherine Tilton's Zip T, Vogue 8793
And Trippens.   Can't forget the Trippens!

Day 19 -  It was a sewing day in my hot little attic sewing room!

Day 20 - Oops!  No photo!   Knock around the house in jeans day :) (me-made, but of course)
Day 21 - My new K. Tilton Dress!

Out and about in the evening - with Amy of Sew Well
at a blogger meetup/farewell party to Amy
Wearing the K.T. dress, and my Koos Coat
We're standing in front of the most awesome window display in SF, at All Saints, 
which just happens to be located next to Britex :)

Day 23 - Wearing the very first blouse I made after re-entering the sewing world 3-1/2 years ago!
Decades of Style Collar Confection blouse (pre-blog)
I don't wear this blouse much; MMM forced me deep into the closet.
I think I don't wear it because it's a fairly heavy cotton, with short little sleeves, and it's just not really weather-appropriate for any kind of weather!
I have (hopefully) learned a bit about fabric choices, patterns, 
and putting the two together since then!

Style Arc Linda Pants in corduroy 

Day 25 - Today was a glorious day outside, and I have a project
that needs to be done using the Wabi-Sabi technique I learned recently,
so I wore grubbies (Style Arc Bali Bindi top and rtw pants) and spent the day
playing with silks and dyes :)

There is one more Me-Made week left; who knows what treasures I'll dig up in these last days!

Have any other current or former MMM'ers found that this challenge is far, far more of a self-exploration than you imagined?  Or am I just weird that way?  ;-D

I have one more fun finished project to share (as soon as I get pics taken!), and right now I'm off to work a bit on my wabi-sabi, although the tummy is telling me to eat first...I can get somewhat obsessively wrapped up in a fun project and forget to eat......   I may be weird that way too lol!

Happy Making, everyone :)


  1. Where do I start? I love the dyeing you have done in the last photo. I dyed dinner napkins today in order to hide stains...does that count as artsy? :-) How cool to see your gorgeous DOS blouse-I JUST bought that pattern today. Sale through Monday. All your outfits looks stylish yet comfortable. I love your wardrobe.

  2. Oooooh dying those stains on napkins! What a concept! Now you have me on a whole 'nother reason to dye! What kind of dye did you use?

  3. I love pics of your garden :-) such pretty blooms and so different from my own. Clearly you love it.

  4. What a beautiful week you've had! Your clothes are lovely, and oh that garden!

  5. I love that last photo. I'm going to daydream about sitting in that garden and playing with dyes too!

  6. Well it is a shame you don't wear the DOS blouse much because it is very flattering on you. I love all your clothes. I am envious of your garden, but I also know how much work that can be. You must really enjoy the process.

  7. Oh, oh! That Decades of Style top is sooooo gorgeous!!! Great week.
