Monday, September 2, 2013

Look Ma, No Muslin!

First, heartfelt thanks and smiles to everyone who responded so graciously to my post about the burglary.   Although I had hesitated to even write the post, I'm happy that I did - it was a cathartic release for me, and every single one of your comments reached my heart - deep thanks for your understanding, caring, and thoughtful comments.   I love my readers!!!!

And now, for the post that I meant to write last Tuesday.....

The Good News (and really, it's ALL good news):

1.  I made it into the sewing room and sewed for me, me me!
2.  At the pattern-tracing level of this tshirt, I discovered that taking the Sisters Tilton Craftsy Class had an even bigger impact than I initially thought.   I realized that I had the confidence to make all the necessary fitting changes at the pattern level, even with a T-Shirt that was slightly more complex than a basic front, back and sleeves.
3.  And it worked!

This is probably a long overdue realization, but I was able to cut several steps out of the fitting process, and cut straight into my fashion fabric with enough confidence to be pretty sure of the fit - I'm thrilled with this!

After seeing several makes of Katherine Tilton's V8817 in blogland and in person, I knew this was a winner!  I made View C, which has a 3-piece front, 3-piece sleeves, and a 2-piece back.

Now really, WHY didn't I try this pose???
It just screams out to be duplicated, don't you think???

The shoulders are quite broad (especially by my narrow-shoulder standards), and any changes to the shoulder width would involve re-drafts of every single pattern piece.  I  made my fitting changes on the front by first marking the seam lines on each front piece, and layering them by matching the stitching lines, as if they were sewn.   This pic shows the upper front and middle front pieces:

I drafted a basic front, a back  and a sleeve piece (using the Craftsy Class pattern) as a TNT template.   Here's the TNT front piece laid on top of the pattern pieces from this pattern:

Next I drew new pattern pieces, using a combination of my basic TNT, and the V8817 pieces:

I cut them out pretty much as drawn (I did leave a bit extra at the side seams, since this pattern does have a pretty loose fit, but I didn't really need it.   I used the same method for the back and the sleeves.....and it worked!!!!

I did find it interesting that the pattern as drafted came very close to matching my shoulder slope, since I usually re-draw the shoulders for a more dramatic slope - someone with square shoulders might need to do more of an adjustment with this pattern.   With my new TNT concept, it's hard to say what size I actually used, but it was probably a narrowed 8 at the shoulders,  expanding through a size 10 at the rib cage,  to a  size 12 around the hips.

The only other changes I made were a slight shuffling of the suggested contrast fabric placement, but then, the Tilton patterns really are designed with that sort of shuffling to be expected.

Here's my result:

I admit that I'm not crazy about my fabric choices (although I have received a lot of compliments on it, so maybe it will grow on me), but I do think that the weight, length, and general color combos will give me opportunities to get a lot of wear out of this top.   And as far as the pattern itself, it's definitely a winner!

Here's to more easy TNT adaptations...really, I'm THIS thrilled about what feels like a giant step forward in my let's-make-fitting-easier attitude!  :)


  1. Great tee, Jilly! and you look gorgeous!

    1. I really like your interpretation of that tunic. You wear it well.....especially accessorized with your happy smile.

  2. Lovely T Jillian! Isn't it wonderful to find those little gems of information that let you make that next leap forward in what you do? I haven't taken the Tilton sisters Craftsy class yet, but it is on my agenda. I look forward to making some of those "ah ha" moments for myself. As always with you, Nice Work!

    1. Thanks Marcy - a number of people said they found the Tilton class pretty basic, but for someone like me, who is only just beginning to take real classes, it was incredibly valuable! Love "ah ha" moments, wherever they come from!

  3. I love your fabric/color combo and it looks fabulous on you. Good job! But I really wanted to see you in the same pose as model! ggg

    1. lol I might still attempt it - something tells me I'll look NOTHING like that model lol :D

  4. Love the pattern and love your interpretation of it. You really nailed it with your fabric choices.

  5. I love it! I have also taken the Tiltons' class and you're right, it's the aha moments it inspires.

  6. I really love it. Very attractive....and I love the fabric choices. You did an excellent job. Wish I were that confident about sewing straight from the pattern after making adjustments.....but some day...

  7. It looks great, Jillian, and it looked great in person!! Glad you are recovering from that trauma.

  8. Great to see a smile on your face - funny how sewing does that to us! The colours in this top are just brilliant...J

  9. Great top, Jillian! Glad you had some fun with it - and thanks for the tips on the fitting. Like your pants too, I have this pattern out on my floor, contemplating fabrics for the shorter version!

  10. Great looking tunic top!! I have purchased this Craftsy class and should take the time to view it.

  11. Craftsy classes are the best thing since sliced bread! I like that I can watch it over and over again to make sure that it really sunk it. I think the colour combinations is great as is the fit :-)

  12. That is just beautiful - I hope it lifts your spirits being so successful. That pattern is on my list (which is so short since there isn't much that I like that is new). I hope you make many more from this pattern!

  13. Bought the class, got the just need to find the time after bridal season! Love your version and your smile says it all...a winner with the alterations too...yes ma'am you is the designer now...narrow shoulders are no problem for you with a master pattern to put over all the future ones that come your way...don't you just love that? All that is left is practicing that it a yoga pose called YesIGotIt?

  14. Yay for easier fitting and great looking tops. Love the smile!

  15. Gosh, I am loving those fabric choices. Great top but even greater news to see you continue to share that sunny smile and spirit.

  16. I love the fabric combinations--especially the sleeves. Inspiring.

  17. I love your new tee-although calling it a tee is incorrect. This is so much more. I love the play of prints you used and I am going to pull out my pattern soon and follow you. I made this in sweater knit and ponte last year and it is a GREAT winter tee.

  18. THANK YOU Everyone! I really am enjoying the top - it's super comfy to wear :)

  19. I am also taking the Tilton's Craftsy class, but haven't worked up the nerve to give it a go yet. I love what you have done with your version. The fit is fabulous and it looks totally lovely on you.

  20. Oh, what a cute top and such a wonderful mix of patterns.

  21. I don't know why you're not so crazy about your fabric choices...I absolutely love the color/print combinations!!! It looks perfect on you!!!

  22. i like the fabric choices---great job!

  23. Just popped over here after reading your PR review. Great detail here about your fitting approach. And great top.

  24. Beautiful job! Love the new job and how it fits.

  25. Very flattering fabrics for you - why aren't you wild about them?

  26. This top looks great on you! I'm also sorry to read about what happened in your prior post -- how terrible. I'm glad you are feeling better and moving forward.

  27. Jilly - your look just beautiful in your new top! That pattern was meant for you and you knew exactly what to do with it. Fabulous!
