Sunday, October 20, 2013

Still Alive, Schmoozing with Sewists, and Even Doing some Sewing!

How wonderful it is to be living in an area that is so rife with talented and social-minded sewists!  In spite of the fact that I've spent very little time in my sewing room the past couple of months, I've been SO lucky to have such an abundance of creative groups of like-minded sewists around, and attending gatherings with them has helped to keep me inspired, and even motivated me to get some projects finished!   (Blog posts on those projects are coming up soon, I promise!)

Yesterday was a wonderful little gathering of blogging sewists (even though a few don't ...yet... have blogs - if they READ blogs, it counts!) at Erin's lovely San Francisco flat 

(Click on the names for a link to their respective blogs)
Back Row:  Veronique,   shams,  me,  Erin,  Jean, and Amanda
Front Row:  Rebecca and  Beth

The abundance of talent in this group is amazing!  As is the diversity - several people echoed the comment "I would never have the patience for that!" when seeing what someone else was doing; yet every single person here, imho, exhibits an overflow of patience in their details and particular interests.

Veronique pattern-tested a plethora of stuffed animals for a book by Abby Glassenberg - she blogged about it here.  Is this the most adorable stuffed kangaroo EVER?   and check out the tardis on that bag she made!

Shams took a break from her insanely busy life of late - if you don't know about her success in the Fabric Mart Challenge, do check out her last few posts - she's on FIRE with her creativity these days!  (yes, even more than ususal!)  Fabric Mart Challenge
Here Shams is wearing an outfit that was for one of the earlier challenges, and she's holding her studly version of the Little Black Dress challenge - I think she's been rocking every entry!

Erin is another busy bee; trying to finish up her  PhD while taking steps toward starting her own pattern line!   Here she is wearing two of her creations (I want to be a pattern tester for that skirt!  It has fabulous details that can't be seen in the pic)

Rebecca is another  pattern maker - she's making some wonderful coats - she's wearing one of her creations here:

Beth, as always, was wearing pieces that showcase her perfect technique and fit - here she's wearing a lovely dress that is the essence of Beth, and you can see the inside of her perfectly tailored denim jacket, draped over the chair.

I didn't get pics of everyone's show 'n tells, but Jean is also doing some amazing pattern-making in a class she's taking.   Her opera neck dress (a work in progress) is GAWjuss!   Amanda didn't bring anything, but a look at her blog shows some seriously wonderful quilting work!

No shots of my outfits (the bane of being the photographer), but here's some sneak peeks at what I've finished, (yes, I have been doing SOME sewing) - I promise to be blogging details asap!

Oh, one more minor detail - IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, AND I'LL SEW (and blog) IF I WANT TO!  :D


  1. Happy birthday Jilly. You certainly are in great company!

  2. It was delightful to have you (and the rest of the lovely ladies) over! Thanks for the compliments and the helpful feedback. I promise I'll "let you" be a pattern tester for me! Until next time (which is, hopefully, soon!). Hearts - E

    1. Thanks for being such a great host (I forgot to even mention the amazing food!) & thanks for the birthday wishes :)

  3. Oh, I am so ENVIOUS of your sewing communities! Love what you've been sewing...and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    1. Thanks Margy - when are you going to come visit again?

  4. Looks like you're having a fun birthday weekend. So nice to be able to spend some of it with friends.

  5. Jilly Many Happy Returns of the Day!!! And lots of cake!!

  6. Happy birthday Jilly. Looks like a fun get-together and fabulous company!!

  7. Happy birthday!

    BTW, I couldn't find the gray metallic I promised to send. My sewing room is a mess. Is there anything else you desire and that I might have in my studio taking up space?

    1. I forgot all about the fabric! Don't give it another thought; just let us know when you're going to be around again :)

  8. Happy Birthday. Happy sewing.

    1. Thanks to catch up on all of my neglected blog READING too...when I get this far behind I just have to delete hundreds of posts, but I always want to read yours!

  9. That looks like such fun! A great way to spend a birthday:)

  10. Happy Birthday Jilly! So good to "see" you here again! How awesome that you have so many creative sewing souls in your locale with which to commune on a regular basis--I am envious.

    1. Thanks Marcy - wish you were closer, you would fit right in with so many of my favorite local sewists :)

  11. When it comes to a choice between sewing & meeting with others who sew or blogging....well, blogging doesn't take the priority lol!

  12. What a fantastic way to spend your birthday! So sorry I missed you guys yesterday – it looks like it was a blast (which is no surprise!). I was thinking of everyone as I was stitching away!

    1. Thanks Laura - it was a blast, but you were missed.

  13. Happy happy birthday! And, I wish I were close enough to have joined you all! I miss you guys!

    1. Thanks Amy! I hope the 3 of you are thriving and healthy - you are definitely missed!

  14. Twas a fun fun day!!! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jillian, to a truly lovely lady!!!

    1. Thanks shams! So happy that you made it, and I'm REALLY looking forward to seeing your next entry!

    2. By the way, I love how my disembodied hand is holding the kangaroo. lol

  15. Wow - what a fun get together! Sounds like it was a blast.

    Happy Birthday to you - I hope you have a fabulous day full of lots of treats!!

    1. Thanks toast; it's been a week filled with little treats here and there, and more to follow in the coming week - my very favorite way to celebrate a birthday :)

  16. Happy Birthday! Oh, so much talent in that group.

  17. Wishing you a very happy birthday and as many happy returns of the day as you desire! Welcome back to blogland, though if I'd such good sewing/blogging company I'd probably not spend as much time online...

  18. Happy, Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing so much of yourself with the sewing community. We have all benefited from it.

  19. I hope you had a wonderful birthday! It was great seeing you and your latest creations -- I may be hitting you up for advice on making that amazing Balenciaga-esque cape!

    1. Thanks Jean - I would be floored and flattered if you needed advice from me, but please do ask away! :)

  20. How good to hear from you! And, thankyou for the introductions to new to me bloggers and sewers. I am envious of the community you have in the Bay Area, but enjoy a cyber relationship.

    1. Always happy to expand our wonderful community :)

  21. Happy Birthday!!! So glad you are missed when you don't!!!

    1. ...and I love Rebecca's coat!!!

    2. Thanks Judi - I've missed reading everyone - lots of catching up to do!

  22. Happy Birthday and it was great to see you, now I have cape envy :)

    1. That cape is actually something that crosses over a lot of different styles - I hope you make it!

  23. What a wonderful afternoon! fun! fun! fun! Thank you for sharing the pics! It's a great reminder that we are all surrounded by creative people!

    and HAPPY Birthday!


  24. Happy birthday, Jilly, it was a pleasure to meet you again! By the way, I'm not especially fond of capes in general, but yours was truly wonderful.

  25. Happy Birthday!! My goodness, the creativity and talent you've shared in this post almost jumps off the page. Awesome.

  26. Happy Birthday, Jillian!

    From one libra lady to another,
    Lisa of BABES

    1. Thanks Lisa! And Happy Libra-ness to you! :) (see you in Scorpio!)

  27. I wish I could have made it!! It looked like such a fun time :)
