Monday, October 21, 2013

Artistry In Fashion, 2013

A report on this year's Artistry in Fashion is a little belated, but I have to say a little something anyway, because the event is SO worth knowing about!

As usual, I took my camera with, but spent all of my time schmoozing with all of the fashionistas,  sewists and creators-of-fabulosity that I kept forgetting to take any pictures.   One sign of a successful event, I say!

At least I have some after-the-fact shots of the goodies I bought.  I spent in restraint, but if $ were no object, oh my gosh is this the place to spend it!  The curated artist booths were SO rife with drool-worthy goodies, from hand-painted silks to recycled clothing,  eco-dyed fabrics, exquisite shaped hats, unusual buttons and notions, innovative jewelry, and positively gorgeous people on both sides of the vendor booths!

The featured speaker and fashion show presenter was Sandra Ericson, director of the Center for Pattern Design, and creator of a truly unique and inspirational line of patterns.   Many of her patterns were inspired by Madeleine Vionnet and Cristobal Balenciaga.  She uses a lot of bias cuts, and a minimum of pattern pieces that require as few stitching seams as possible.   Her designs are "simple" (i.e., not "fussy"), but the way many of them are put together is quite unusual (and sometimes mind-boggling!)  Despite the relative simplicity, the patterns are also designed to be "educational" - Translation:  minimal instructions, meant for the intermediate or advanced sewer. Do check out her site for a much more detailed story of her journey and philosophy.

I bought these 3 patterns (all of which just happen to be Balenciaga inspired):
I've made up the CB Bolero (post coming soon!) and it's a comfy and wearable winner.
I've also made a test version of the spiral blouse - this one is destined to be made up several times!
The Paletot is a half-scale pattern.   I've enlarged it, and can barely wait to get going on it!  (I've lusted after this coat ever since seeing it at the Balenciaga exhibit at the DeYoung a couple of years ago)

My other purchases were earrings.   I was delighted to find that one of my very favorite jewelry designers was selected as a vendor at AIF this year: Kayoko Designs.   I buy a pair of earrings from her nearly every year at the San Francisco Flower & Garden Show,  so I was thrilled to find another excuse to add to my collection of her pieces :)
Elegant Asian Simplicity - LOVE her work!
A very popular booth was A.J's EarDrops - I know at least half a dozen people who bought earrings here - too much fun!
Lightweight, unusual, affordable, and highly wearable - what's not to love???
And check out that cup holder - an innovative (and re-usable) way to display their earrings!
This year the weather was perfect, the food trucks were the best ever, the vendors (of course) were the BEST, and of course, the camaraderie of everyone there made it a memorable and fabulous event.

Mark your calendars now for next year's AIF - September 27, 2014.   Pati Palmer (yes, THE Pati Palmer of Palmer/Pletsch) will be the featured speaker!  I hope to see you there!  :)

Next up:  The results of the CB Bolero...


  1. I always sigh with longing when I hear about the AIF show from those of you so lucky to be able to attend. Love, love, love the earrings from Kayoko Designs--I would have snapped those up too! Really looking forward to seeing finished Bolero.

    1. Marcy, you would so love this event! You have a place to stay if you should decide to come one year....just sayin'......

  2. AIF sounds a fantastic show - I hope you know how lucky you are to be part of such a creative and supportive community. Love your new acquisitions too.

    1. Oh trust me, I am VERY grateful for the benefits of living in an area that is so abundant with creative and supportive souls!

  3. A minimum of pieces and few stitching seems? My kind of pattern! I'm not quite up to that level yet though. I do look forward to see your pieces. Great event, great treasures.

    1. I'm not so sure you're not "up to that level". Really, you only need to have a good understanding of seam finishes & basic techniques, and the ability to problem-solve creatively - that last bit you have in spades, I know!

  4. SO sorry I missed AIF this year! Loved hearing about it and your earrings are lovely! Next year for sure!

  5. I'm soooo jealous! What a treat, to see such wonderful artistry and so many well turned out people. I'll have to put this on my bucket list.
    Can't wait to see your bolero!

    1. I REALLY hope you make it - you don't need an excuse to visit!

  6. You came away with some fun pieces. Can't wait to see your interpretation of the patterns.

  7. Wow, I am so jealous, and I don't even like to shop! This show looks like heaven. Can't wait to see the bolero. I have had my eye on the egg hat for a long time, and I love the CC skirt pattern. Glad you had so much fun.

  8. Thanks for the review -- I wasn't able to attend this year and missed being there! Those Kayoko earrings are gorgeous!
