It's about exploring and sharing my creative adventures (mostly sewing these days) ~
~those activities that sometimes obsess, usually inspire, occasionally frustrate
~and always provide a delightful maze to wander through.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Being Visible

The conversations at dinner the other night with shams & badmomgoodmom covered a variety of topics (3 women, 4 hours = you can imagine!), including becoming "invisible" after a "certain age" (badmom could not yet relate to this concept).

Today, for some inexplicable reason, I decided to join the group of visibly fabulous women who participate in Visible Monday, and dress a bit over the top (for me, anyway).   It's summer in San Francisco, which means the likelihood of c-o-l-d is very high, and I don't do cold well.   So I layered it on a bit thicker than usual, wearing my faux fur vest over my animal print Renfrew, and my latest Marcy pants (not blogged because I've made so many versions!):

I have two things to do today:  #1 -  go shopping at Fabrix (yes I'm going to drive into The City and that's all I'm doing - one store, one stop, one bag of fabrics (or maybe 2), and #2 - finish reading my library book (which is SUCH a great read I'm going to blog a review here - coming soon!  After a crazy busy several weeks lately, a 2-items-on-the-To-Do-List day is a most welcome event.   I guess I need to add one more - write this blog post.....Done!

Hmmm....maybe I should dress up my feet with my Trippens as well.....just because.....

Here's to visibility (in a good way) at all ages!


Patti said...

Welcome to Visible Monday, Jilly Be. You are indeed Visible and ready for SF weather. Great vest! Hope you'll come back next week.

shams said...

I see you! :) A great outfit for shopping in SF!

MarcyF said...

Oh, I hope you did go with the Trippens! I love the fur vest and I hope your fabric shopping was a wild success!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thanks Patti - and Big thanks for the inspirational idea! :)

Jillybejoyful said...

lol & so did a few other people! I did get compliments :D

Jillybejoyful said...

If I had time to snoop shop the gentrified areas, I would have donned the Trippens. I was outre' enough for where I was going ;-)

Unknown said...

great outfit!

velosews said...

I love that vest. I have some faux fur that needs to the used and I tell you, I would be very visible wearing it.
Your fur colour choice is very smart.
Happy SF shopping. Sounds like a good day out.

RhondaBuss said...

Love the vest!!

prttynpnk said...

I love it. You should always be visible!!!

Becky R. said...

I understand completely becoming invisible after a certain age. What age is it, do you think? It is good and bad, I think. Being invisible can have its advantages, but I certainly don't get to pick when it occurs, darn it! I love this vest! Is this the one you blogged? In the pictures, it looks different for some reason. This is a great outfit that I hope you enjoy wearing.

Anonymous said...

One snazzy and very visible lady. You go, girl!

a little sewing said...

You look great! Sounds like a very nice day ahead :)

Rose said...

You were very visible on Monday! You looked wonderfulin your animal print renfrew and the vest. The picture does not do you justice!

Rose in SV

Mary said...

You have such style! I love the outfit and know you made a positive impression. Younger women look to us for guidance, you know :-)

Unknown said... what you wore!!! I agree with Mary. Younger women do look to us for guidance. Two 'younger' their 50's...recently told me they were afraid of getting old. What message are they getting from us? Isn't it better for us to be 'visible' and embrace life at any age? Jilly..YOU embrace life and that's what we all need to do!

Unknown said...

Hello, Jilly Be! (Sorry to be so late in response!) Belated welcome to visible Monday ... hope you had fun. You look pretty sharp in your vest and texture-rich pieces! You remind me of the wonders of fall dressing. I'ts still so hot here, I'm just working with what I have, but summer is barely half-way and I'm already yearning for cool weather!

badmomgoodmom said...

It's not that I don't "yet" relate to this problem. It's that women of color have grown up used to being invisible. It's nothing new to me.

Goodbye Valentino said...

You need to be visible more often! Love the ensemble :)

Unknown said...

Hi Jilly. Thanks so much for your lovely comments on my blog! I'm a sucker for animal print and you wear it so well. I envy your ability to sew and I look forward to seeing you manifest your creativity! ;-)
