It's about exploring and sharing my creative adventures (mostly sewing these days) ~
~those activities that sometimes obsess, usually inspire, occasionally frustrate
~and always provide a delightful maze to wander through.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Making it Work! Skirt. Transformed.

I loved it.  I really did.  But.... it didn't love me.   I'm talking about the Koos Skirt, Vogue 2971, blogged about here.   I loved (and still do!) the fabric, the colors, the combination, the design, the downright FUN-ness of it all! didn't love me.

In spite of the fact that I had cut 4" off the length, all that fabric flowing around my ankles just did NOT work in activities like walking up & down stairs, and the bell-shape at the hemline kept getting caught in shoes, and in the end it was just all too much.

Packing for a hot summer get-away, I needed something that would help me beat the heat - like a sundress.  So while playing with what I had, I pulled this skirt over my boobs and said to self, "AHA!!!!   It's not a skirt, it's a sundress!!!"   It did need straps though, both to make it bra-friendly and to keep it secure (something I can't really rely on B-cup boobs to do)

A quick draft of something in between a sleeveless top and straps should be an easy fix, she says to self....

Did I mention that I put a completely unnecessary zipper in the skirt?  Sandwiched between two layers of fabric and sewn in VERY sturdily?    I thought I could just leave the zip in place, but that would be a little too shoddy, so out came the ripper.   A couple of hours of ripping & resewing the seam, an hour or so of drafting the top, some head-scratching time of trying out just how to attach the new top neatly, some adjustments here & there, and a couple of days later (well, that's what it SEEMED like) I finally had a piece that has even MORE fun-ness than the skirt!

I wore it on my hot get-away, and again while delighting in some rare warm Bay Area weather the past few days, and I've been happily gathering the compliments.  :)

SO comfy, and I'll get a lot more wear out of it as a dress
(as long as I can find some warm weather to hang out in!)

Showcasing the FUN-ness :)

Which is ready-made for twirling :)

I had more of the Batik Boutique fabric, which was perfect for the straps:

I was even able to sort of match the top to the skirt, 
so that the pattern flowed as if I meant to do it that way from the beginning ;-)

And, just for fun:  

The above was a shot taken at my friends' import & art store, Shiva Moon, in Nevada City (the heat wave destination).  They don't have a website (Hey, Jagdish & Simone, Why NOT????), but do visit their wonderfully eclectic store on Main Street if you're up in Nevada City :)

Here's to transformations and Making It Work!


glorm said...

I can see why you were getting compliments--it's great! Head scratching really works.

freshcityfarm said...

I was a little heart broken when you started with what it used to be because I love this skirt so improbable as it is, I absolutely LOVE the conversion. It's phenomenal!!!! It's so much bet

freshcityfarm said...

ter as a dress....incredibly creative transformation!

Beth (SunnyGal Studio) said...

I love a good make it work moment! that makes a great dress, fantastic.

Jillybejoyful said...

It opens the pores so that fresh ideas can emerge?

Jillybejoyful said...

*whew* I'm glad I didn't break your heart! Thank you :)

Jillybejoyful said...

Thanks Beth! I wonder if we'll ever get you in something crazy like this...... ;-)

Dilliander said...

Excellent save Jilly. It was a fabulous skirt too but if its not practical to wear then that just gets annoying, no matter how beautiful and creative... the dress however... is inspired! Looks great on you too.

Melanie said...

Oops, my comment was eaten. My fault...
Excellent save of an extraordinary garment, and great photo of your friend. If it's possible, I like this skirt even better as a dress. How many hems have I wrecked with my heels? I've lost count.

Andrea said...

Jilly, I love it even more as a dress! The proportions seem to work better for you. I wonder if you can put a long sleeve top on underneath for cooler weather, to get more wear time with your fun dress. Been having an issue with my comments getting lost in cyberspace, so hope this one sticks. Love that you're back, and hope that you're well. Always so nice to see your beautiful smile.

Janet said...

Fantastic. Really impressed by the transformation.

Mary said...

I really am astounded at this transformation-the skirt was a work of art but oh, so much sweeter as a dress. That is a good length on you also. Show off those ankles!

NancyDaQ said...

Very cute! Your restyling is wonderful and the dress looks great.

Linda T said...

Like it much better as a dress. Well done!!

Jean said...

So good to read your posts again! I liked the skirt but I can see that the dress version is much more practical -- and very cute too! Great twirl shot!

Re's Home on the Road said...

A perfect sundress - and love that you incorpoarted that funny, b&w wavy fabric we got at Fabrix! Mine is still in the 'brewing' stage.

MarcyF said...

Ah, most excellent! I'm so glad you figured out how to transform this to a garment you love to wear! It was a fabulous skirt, but even more fabulous as something that works for you. How fun!

Becky R. said...

This is more "you" than the skirt! It's fabulous. I think you need to make a bolero to wear with it in the chillier weather. It is just a great look for you. Nice catch!

Unknown said...

Love it as a dress...very pretty!!!!

Angela said...

I love it much, much more as a dress - you look great in it!

SewRuthie said...

That was a truly fantastic idea and the dress looks absolutely wonderful. It was worth all the hard work. Well done!

shams said...

That is SO cute as a sundress, Jilly! And you are obviously happy wearing it. A win win!

Rose said...

I love this garment, as a skirt and a dress! Seeing this garment reminds me of how much I am in awe of your ability to mix and match colors, patterns, and textures. I know that I have fondled at least one of those fabrics on the bolt but I just couldn't figure out how to use it. You have a great eye, Jilly! I'm so glad that you found a way to refashion the skirt into a great dress!

Rose in SV

Connie Turner said...

Brilliant transformation. The sundress is so much better than the skirt was.

mrsmole said...

What a hoot, what a your heart out Koos...Jilly has beaten you at your own game...too darling for words!!!!

Angela said...

Here she is: a brave woman who does not fear a seam ripper! Great transformation and beautiful dress. Congratulations.

Dixie said...

What a fabulous remake. I love it! Looks far better on your bod than the skirt did, imo.
I'm sooo happy to see you sewing and blogging again!

Bunny said...

What an amazing wonderful difference! This is fabulous and looks so good on you. Wonderful refashion and congrats on having the creative vision to see the possibility.

Louisa said...

Perfect save!! Much nicer now. The proportions work so much better. Take THAT, Koos!

Rhonda Buss said...

Oh my goodness, what fun!! And you look absolutely wonderful!

prttynpnk said...

I am so glad that all this wonderful is now wearable! This is an art piece and you are a lovely canvas!

Anonymous said...

I love it as a dress! Love. Love. Love. The straps you made are the perfect size for it. Brilliant job!!

Glenda said...

Great to see this on you. Like everyone else has said, it is absolutely wonderful and looks terrifc!

Anonymous said...

Hmm... wonder how mine would look as a dress since it makes my butt look QUITE wide as a skirt and I love the way that fold is up higher on yours. Thanks for the inspiration. Great job.

marcy harriell | oonaballoona said...

this dress has been on my brain since you posted, and i'm only just now getting around to saying it-- could you feel my brainwaves? TREMENDOUS!!!! it truly looks as if it was always meant to be this way!

Audrey said...

OMG, that is such a frickin cute dress. Great transformation. It looks wonderful on you.