It's about exploring and sharing my creative adventures (mostly sewing these days) ~
~those activities that sometimes obsess, usually inspire, occasionally frustrate
~and always provide a delightful maze to wander through.

Monday, July 14, 2014

A Partially Personal Post (and a welcome back to me!)

Oh my gosh where DOES one begin after over half a year's (!) absence from the blogosphere?
Ummm......I'm back?!?

It seems that Living Life got in the way of blogging about the Sewing Life, which has been rather minimal anyway.   The bottom line is that life has mostly been about healing lately.  Some mystery health "stuff" left me exhausted during the first few months of the year.  Having been "uninsurable"my entire adult life due to a pre-existing "condition", coupled with some rather negative experiences with AMA type medicine in my early 20's,  I really haven't been used to  seeing western doctors for anything that couldn't be taken care by "alternative" methods, diet, and self-care.

It finally became evident that whatever was going on was going to take more than that.    To the rescue....Obamacare!  Politics aside, I ended up being one of those people who has benefitted BIG time from the new insurance laws!  Thank you O for (quite literally) saving my life (along with my tangible assets)  Forever grateful...  And I am on the path to healing :)

I've also lost some weight (I hope those pounds were found in a new home where they're appreciated), so I have a bit of clothes altering to catch up on, along with the need  (and we do all know that yes, of COURSE it's a NEED!) to sew new clothes!

I am grateful
I am blessed
I am joyful
I have so many blog posts to catch up on!    I have been sewing a bit, so here's a tiny taste of what's upcoming  (and yes, I do promise that catch-up posts really will be happening!):

Here's to  being surrounded by an abundance of healing angels, good health insurance, and the energy to SEW!  


SewRuthie said...

Nice to see you back :-)

Margy said...

I've been thinking about you a lot, Jillian...and sending healing thoughts your way...

Karen said...

Glad you're back -- and here's to continuing good health. Karen

Linda T said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend!

glorm said...

You're who again? All kidding aside--yeah, right---welcome back!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thanks Ruthie :)

Jillybejoyful said...

Healing thoughts are most appreciated!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thanks Linda :)

Jillybejoyful said...

Hee hee... you never fail to make me giggle!

SewCraftyChemist said...

A big welcome back and cheers for being on the mend!

Donna W said...

Soooooo glad to see you back posting, glad that your health stuff is under control. Looking forward to seeing your latest sewing

Dixie said...

Welcome back to blogland! I'm glad to hear you're doing better, and able to sew again. Looking forward to seeing what you've been working on!

Jillybejoyful said...

And I'm looking forward to more sewing!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thanks doll! :)

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you Valerie - it's good to be back on that train!

Annie Trish said...

Welcome back! I've finally managed to post this comment. So good to see you back. I discovered your blog when a knee problem slowed me down and I had time to explore the world of sewing blogs. I was concerned when I saw you had not posted since December 2013. I look forward to reading your posts and wish you continued improved health. All the best!

Hillary said...

Oh Yay! So glad one of the best parts of the blogosphere is back! Hillary

Jillybejoyful said...

Awww you're sweet to notice and be concerned :) I hope your knee is healed by now!

Jillybejoyful said...

You just made my day! :D

mrsmole said...

We need your fun attitude and wild clothes!!!! Things have been slightly dull for the past 6 months! So glad you are on the path to healing and have ideas and resources for new projects...nothing like sewing to get a girl up in the morning! Welcome back, Jilly!

TinaLou said...

I'm so glad to hear you're feeling better .... I've missed your voice in my feedly! Can't wait to see the details behind the teaser photos, too! Tina

Melanie said...

Oh, welcome back with open arms. I'm so happy that you have been able to get your health on track. Whew! Sew away! I look forward to seeing what this well-spring of goodness and Jilly joy has spawned.

Jillybejoyful said...

You put a smile on my face - thank you! :D

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you TinaLou :)

Jillybejoyful said...

Aw, thank you doll! I look forward to catching up on your diva-lishusness!

velosews said...

Welcome back you healthier you. Look forward to seeing your sewing life take over for a while.

Mary said...

Hi there! I watch for you on my feed and now you have returned :-)

marcy harriell | oonaballoona said...

welcome back, it's good to hear someone has benefitted, and even better to hear you're feeling well!

Anonymous said...

Oh! Welcome back! It's so good to hear from you again. I'm glad you're feeling better and - as always! - joyful!

Becky R. said...

Welcome back, Jilly! You have definitely been missed. I'm glad you got the help you needed. No one can take your place in the blogosphere; you are unique and we are blessed to have you back.

freshcityfarm said...

Oh I'm so pleased you are posting again! I've been thinking about you (& your amazing vest) since we visited the afternoon of the Britex event. I did go fabric shopping the next day to all of the recommended spots and found a few wonderful treasures. It was wonderful to get to know you a bit! And I'm so pleased I'll get to see more of your incredible "making it mine" talent here. Your makes are so inspiring!!!!

AilsaG said...

It's so good to see you well and back to blogging. I love seeing the clothes you make, such fun!

MarcyF said...

it's so good to "see" you again! I have indeed missed you. So sorry to hear you've not been well, but extremely pleased that you are on the mend. Looking forward to hearing more about the little snippets of loveliness you've shown us. You have some beautiful fabrics in your arsenal and I'm on the edge of my chair with excitement to see what fun and funky things you have created with them!

Libby said...

Oh this is great news!! I've missed you and your awesome creations. Congrats on the Obamacare miracle.

Unknown said...

Finally!!!! You have been sorely missed!!!!!! Today is a great day...welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!

Jane M said...

I was just thinking about you today while walking and considering a trip to see my father in law in September....and now here you are, orrather here I am finally catching up on blog posts. Hooray, you're back and you're healing and I'm so so happy. And I'm already so intrigued by those picture snippets.

Louisa said...

Missed you, Jillian! Glad you're back and hope things will be better for you in future. Can't wait to see what you've been creating.

ElleC said...

I have been wondering where you were, and what you were up to, glad to have you back, and so sorry to hear about the reason. It is hard for me to imagine not having affordable health care (I am Canadian), and I am so grateful that Obamacare came into being in time for you.

PS-I know of a number of Americans who have immigrated to Canada just because of the cost of health care. So sad. On behalf of all Canadians, you can come up here anytime! 8-D

Anonymous said...

WELCOME BACK - I've been worried about you. I'm glad you're on the path to healing and that things are looking better. Enjoy sewing a new wardrobe.

Jillybejoyful said...

It was great to meet you and hang for a bit! Thanks for the lovely coments :)

Kelly said...

I was just thinking about you, wondering how you are doing! I'm so glad you're on the road to healing, and that you finally have access to the resources to heal that you deserve. Welcome back!

Elaina said...

So very glad to hear that you are feeling better! Love your style. Take care!