It's about exploring and sharing my creative adventures (mostly sewing these days) ~
~those activities that sometimes obsess, usually inspire, occasionally frustrate
~and always provide a delightful maze to wander through.

Monday, August 5, 2013

It's a Hat Attack!

One of the more delightfully stylish bloggers I follow is  Judith of Style Crone (check her out!) - I think she may have started an avalanche of hat-wearing blog posts, thanks to her Hat Attack post!

Although I've been a hat lover for a long time, the dreaded "hat head" syndrome often curtailed my hat fetish.  However, I've noticed that my hair seems to be cooperating a bit more now that it's grey, short, and styled with a somewhat.... shall we say..."unkempt" look  (I can always say "It's on purpose!" no matter how wild it looks!)

A dear friend recently celebrated her birthday with a  High Tea gathering at Lovey's Tea Shoppe in Pacifica, and wearing a hat was a requirement.   I went a rather unconventional route (for high tea, that is), and showed up in my favorite black fedora - a bit beaten up, but dressed with a silver pin that used to belong to me British Mum, who always enjoyed an afternoon out for High Tea :)  By the way, if you're local, I can highly recommend Lovey's (which is the little sister of Lovejoy's in San Francisco).   Although the fare is far from my usual healthy eating habits, the quality of the ingredients was clearly very high (Strauss organic cream!), and even the white bread triangles tasted like "real" food.   And it was abundant!   I arrived with my hunger on, and couldn't possibly eat it all!

(Not what I wore to Tea, other than the hat...
I was a bit more "dressed")

Three of the women at the party had all been to High Tea with Mom and me in years past, so the pin, along with a necklace of hers that I wore, assured that the Mumsy was there with us. :)

This post is for you Mom, with love :)

90-something and still doing her crossword puzzles :)

Another hat - at her memorial gathering last year in my back yard :)

Hats Off to Moms and the wonder-filled connections in blogger-land!


The Style Crone said...

I love your fedora with the silver pin that belonged to your Mom and provided meaning to your ensemble. You look smashing! I also appreciate the hat that you wore to her memorial gathering.

Thank you so much for linking up to Hat Attack!

glorm said...

You look like a successful mystery novelist in those top two pics. I too like the hat you wore at the memorial.

Jillybejoyful said...

Thanks Judith - I'm honored to have you here for a visit! :)

Jillybejoyful said...

successful mystery novelist...I like! :D

Goodbye Valentino said...

You wear the hat well! Great tribute to your Mum and perfect for tea :)

mrsmole said...

Whatever the hat you wear it says "I have a secret" and I'm not telling...ha ha. The pin and necklace are so pretty and must carry so many dear memories.

Jane M said...

I'm so touched by the lovely pictures of your Mum and your hat tribute. I'm also envious of that "high tea" menu and must make a similar date with some girlfriends here on the east coast.

Becky R. said...

I love hats! And a woman who can carry off a fedora? Brilliant! I wish I could find a hat like that, where on earth did you get it? I think this is a lovely tribute to your Mum; she will always be with you.

Mary said...

You look smashing! I have been thinking of you and up popped this post-what a wonderful memory of your mom.

Unknown said...

Love your hats and the beautiful pins. Sweet memories!!!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you! :)

Jillybejoyful said...

Oh, I love the "I have a secret" theory - I'm going with that one :D

Jillybejoyful said...

Do it! Schedule a date now!

Jillybejoyful said...

A friend was selling this at a garage sale. I tried it on & she declared that it had to be mine, and gave it to me. She was right lol!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you Mary :). This was just going to be a post about a hat, but it flowed into the memories of Mom :)

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you, and yes, sweet memories :)

RhondaBuss said...

I saw your comment about the post taking a turn. Isn't wonderful when our loved ones pay us a special visit? :)
Love the fedora!!

Jillybejoyful said...

Lovely and perceptive Rhonda, and only appropriate that she should pay another visit after the Tea :) Thank you :)

Andrea said...

Touching post, Jilly, and a sweet picture of your mom. Love the hats, you wear them well. My own mom was both a crossword puzzle lover and a hat lover. Sweet memories!

Martha said...

Sweet memories and great style.

Cissie said...

Love you in a hat, Jilly. Tres chic. Your mom would approve!

Anonymous said...

Your post made me smile. The wearer of the hat does it justice and vice versa.

Tamera Beardsley said...

I saw your ever so stylish thumbnail on Judith's Hat Attack... and had to come to visit and find out more about this chic woman. So enjoyed this poignant post .

mispapelicos said...

I saw you wearing your hat at Judith and had to come and say hi.
You have a fabulos mother, too, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh