It's about exploring and sharing my creative adventures (mostly sewing these days) ~
~those activities that sometimes obsess, usually inspire, occasionally frustrate
~and always provide a delightful maze to wander through.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Dressing for Yoga (not actually DO-ing it...)

Yoga pants are a good start to a practice, yes?  No?   I used to practice yoga, once upon a time - semi-regularly, even, but about if I just make a pair of yoga pants?

Style Arc's Becky Yoga pant

I have a number of Style Arc pants patterns, and absolutely love every pattern I've used!   Mine are all size 10, which fit well before I lost a few pounds this year, so I wasn't too sure about the fit of the yoga pants. When I laid a well-used pair of yoga pants on the flat pattern, it looked like the 10 would be a good fit though, so I cut them exactly per the pattern (even though all of my other SA 10's are currently a little bit on the loose side)

Thank goodness I didn't order a smaller size!   With the negative ease, coupled with a pretty sturdy and semi-stable knit, these pants are snug!   Very snug.  Snugger than I'm usually comfortable wearing, but with a long top they're great :::whew:::.   They were actually a perfect fit when I first made them, but I've gained back a few of those pounds on my healing journey, so now...well, did I mention how very snug they are?   A healthy dose of vanity makes me almost leery to post the pics, but here goes:

What I love about this pattern:

  • The now-famous Style Arc fit.  (weight loss & gain aside...)
  • Super quick & easy make!
  • One simple patch pocket, perfectly sized and placed.
  • Just the right amount of flare at the hemline.
  • Just the right width of the waistband.
What I dislike:

  • Ummmm......nothing?
There's really not a lot more to say.   This is, simply put, a simple and perfect yoga pant.  I'll make it again in a fabric with more give, which should give a slightly looser fit, and I'll probably make it again after that.   And again.   It's that perfect!

A note about the shoes I'm wearing - I went on a bit of a shoe-buying binge last January, and in order to bring an order up to the free shipping category, I added these Campers .    The link goes to gravitypope, and they still have this style!  By the way, if you keep your eye out, you can occasionally find a coupon sale for gravitypope, which will discount even the sale prices further - that's what I did & actually got a reasonable price.

Campers is a brand I've never had before, but it got great reviews, and for good reason!  Reeeeeally comfortable right out of the box.  And better than that, check out the motif!!!   Love love love!!!!
(pardon the garden dust - I could have cleaned them up before taking the pics, but...well... I didn't.)

Maybe I'll go do a little yoga.    


Sun salutations in the morning, anyone?

P.S.   For those who are wondering, I slept right through last night's 'quake, and nary a picture on the walls budged a bit.   I do know a few people north of the immediate Bay Area who experienced some damage and would appreciate some positive thoughts coming their way, but we've experienced far worse than this...and survived quite nicely :).


Anonymous said...

Love the shoes. Great yoga pants too

Coco said...

LOL...GMA did a cute piece on the popularity of yoga pants this past week...and I'm right in there! my version of yoga is stretching up for a coffee cut and down for the pin I dropped on the floor. But like you, love the ease and comfort. Glad you're recovering so nicely!

Mary said...

Yoga pants and a top (of whatever length) are the best for a comfy ensemble. Yours look great and those shoes are wonderful. I look forward to the day when it is cool enough for long pants :-) I have plans do begin my yoga practice again...plans.

Linda T said...

Love those shoes!! Yoga pants--so comfy--a bit of heaven on earth.

Rhonda Buss said...

What fun shoes! And as for yoga, hey you look the part whether you do it or not ;) and lovely I might add :)

Becky R. said...

Jilly, these pants look great on you. I love yoga pants, and I wear them a lot so I will have to get this pattern. And the shoes - fabulous! Glad you didn't have any quake problems!!

mrsmole said...

Maybe after a few wearings these new pants will stretch out enough and shape themselves to your body and become your new favorite pants? Love the comfy shoes!!! Wow with a pair of scissors on them too!

Jillybejoyful said...

This fabric has amazing bounce-back quality! I actually made them a couple of months ago, and they are indeed in wear mode a lot. I do like them; I just cover up the bulges up top with a longer shirt than I'm wearing in the pics ;-)

Rose said...

Very nice and cool shoes!

Elaina said...

Glad to hear that you had no damage from the quake. Love the yoga pants. Need a pair! take care and heal on!

Louisa said...

Happy you're safe! I too am a lover of yoga pants (with long tops) and hate it when so many people diss them for street wear. Obviously they're just envious of those who are more comfortable than they are! Yours are very nice.

Dixie said...

This is a great pair of pants that you'll wear again and again, I'm sure. Love the shoes, too. Cute stitching and shears! I love that you're sewing again, and feeling better all the time.

Andrea said...

These yoga pants are on my radar, so I'm glad to see them made up and worn by someone who is on my side of the half-century mark. On the long top note, I mentioned to my daughter that wearing a long top covers a lot of 'sins', and I was glad they were back in style. She had a light bulb moment - 'Is that why women your age are always wearing long tops?!?' All I can say is what my mom used to say... 'What goes around, comes around!'
Love your cute little top too, is that self made?