It's about exploring and sharing my creative adventures (mostly sewing these days) ~
~those activities that sometimes obsess, usually inspire, occasionally frustrate
~and always provide a delightful maze to wander through.

Monday, October 12, 2015

A year??? It's been A YEAR???

:::Peeks out from under the covers to see if anyone still remembers me:::

A year of blogging absence - I suppose a bit of an explanation is in order.

I have been sewing - a bit, not as much as I would like - but mostly I've been resting, sleeping, talking to doctors, and healing after the shock of some health news sent me on a life-shifting journey.

The Story:  35 years ago - back in the dark ages - I was diagnosed with Hepatitis C (then called non-A non-B, since it was still such a new discovery).   There was no cure, until some years later when a horrible combination of shots and drugs was offered, which killed some people, made others miserable, and cured a small percentage.   Since I was firmly ensconced in "alternative" healing methods and healthy life practices by then, I didn't give the pharmaceutical option a second thought!

Fast forward to January of last year.  I was feeling flat out sick, and nothing I was trying helped.   I finally sought Western medical help, and after being poked and prodded and interviewed and scanned by numerous docs, I was given the news that I would be needing a liver transplant.

Time for research, research, research!!!   Find people who've been there, done that.  Scour the web.   Find support groups.   (There are, by the way, a LOT of support groups for people with HepC - it now kills more people annually than AIDS does, but there ARE cures please, get tested!!!)  The good news is that, right around the same time I started feeling so sick, the new drugs with a hugely successful cure rate were starting to be approved!   More (good news!) about that to come...

Meanwhile, exhaustion forced me into early retirement and the finances dwindled, but my fabulous friends, along with years of spiritual practices and various healing modalities gave me everything I needed to maintain an Attitude of Gratitude.   That gratefulness, and the joy of being alive (admittedly with an occasional relapse into the land of "I can't TAKE it anymore!!  Stop the world and just let me OFF!!!"),  keeps me going and lets me know everything will, indeed, be fine.  Better than fine!

Above all, Gratitude.  And laughter.  And lightheartedness.   And not taking any of this toooo seriously.  And friends and supporters.   And silliness.  Did I mention laughter?  That's the one thing that can always lift me when I start to choose a dark path (and those paths are there...along with the choice to take it, or not!)

It hasn't been easy writing this post - or rather, finding the time and energy and courage to write it. I'm just pounding it out right now, so that I can re-enter this fabulous blogging world and finally get some sewing posts up!    And writing this wasn't even CLOSE to being as challenging as agreeing to set up this:

I was fairly quiet about all of this for some time, except for all of my fabulous friends.   Agreeing to the You Caring fundraiser, then having the word spread through social media and blogs (thank you shams!)  showed me, once again,  that learning how to ask for help as well as being willing to receive it is a blessing of community that there are no words for!    More tears.   Of gratitude.

About those miracle drugs mentioned above - I was able to take them for a 12 week period, and after 35 long years,  my body is now cleared of the HepC virus!!!!   This is incredible - such great news, and such a shift, that I still haven't fully absorbed it!

This means I've been starting to feel better and have more energy, which means I'm playing the catch-up game with all of the neglected aspects of my life, including sewing and blogging!

Thanks to everyone for reading through this non-sewing post - I've so missed you all!   I have a number of projects to post about - taking photos has seemed like way too much effort for some time, but I'm ready for it now, so look out blogging world, I'M BACK!


Cherie said...

I for one missed you and wondered about your health...what I missed was your joy in sewing what you wanted to wear! Bless you for sharing, and I'm sending energy thoughts your way!

barbaraq said...

I am so happy for you! I have missed your posts and look forward to seeing new ones as your energy returns.

Mariela Alethia said...

I am glad to hear that you are feeling better. I am sending positive thoughts and lots of energy your way!

Melanie said...

OMG!!! You're CURED!!! That's is the VERY BEST NEWS EVER!! If they had capitalization of capitals, I'd be typing in that too. I didn't know about your struggles but, man, the news that you have beat this thing is just amazing. And it IS Thanksgiving in Canada today. Heh. You ARE joyful, Jilly. Welcome back!!! Hugs. Now get to that sewing machine!

Nursebennett said...

Oh my, praise God you are healed. Beautiful! I had read Shams post and added you to my daily prayers. Awesome you feel up to completing projects. Can't wait to see them! Continued prayers for good health and happy days ahead.

Kansas Sky said...

Such great news!!!! My very best to you. Eager to hear more about all your projects, and the JOY of your good health.

Carolyn (Diary of a Sewing Fanatic) said...

I'm so glad to hear that you're doing better! I'm also thrilled that you've started to sew again and that laughter is and was a part of your healing therapy!

Towanda said...

Welcome back, I'm glad that you are cured. Happy sewing days ahead.

SewPaula said...

I am glad that you're back and healthy! Looking forward to reading about your new projects!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you Cherie! Receiving Energy thoughts... :)

Jillybejoyful said...

Thanks Barbara - looking forward to new posts myself!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you Alethia - positive thoughts and energy - YAY! :)

Jillybejoyful said...

LOTS of CAPITALS just for YOU!!!! Thanks darlin'! :)

Jillybejoyful said...

You're a sweetie Nursebennett - thanks so much! :)

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you Kansas Sky - it gives me more JOY just reading the comments!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you Carolyn! Here's to filling the world with more laughter! :D

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you so much Towanda :)

Jillybejoyful said...

It feels so great to be back - thanks Paula!

SewRuthie said...

Welcome back and thank you for sharing with us.

mrsmole said...

A blessing for your future and all those around you who care so deeply to set up a fund and hold your hand and keep you laughing. What could be better than discovering a dear friend and super sewer has a second chance at life to sew, to skip and breath the sweet air of success. We all look for small mercies and give gratitude and thanks to the Almighty every day but just the best ever!

Jane M said...

So thrilled to see your post on my reader but ecstatic to hear your health update. Thank you for your openness and humble gratitude. Keep laughing, crying, holding hands, sewing and dreaming.

Anonymous said...

So so delighted to see your post appear. And with such fabulous news! Yay!

sewingkm said...

Though I never posted on your blog I've missed your posts and am thrilled that you are now healthy and able to sew and blog again! Karen

Connie Turner said...

Jilly, I have missed your posts and heard about you through Shams so I knew you were ill. I am so happy to know that you are better now and improving and CURED! I look forward to sewing posts in the future. I'm glad to see your happy smile.

Peter Lappin said...

So glad to have you back, Jilly, healthy and happy!

Ruth said...

I'm glad you are back and I look forward to reading your posts.

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you Ruthie!

Jillybejoyful said...

Your words are truly a breath of fresh air - thank you so much mrsmole!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you Jane - it's good to hear from you!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you Elle!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thrilled is such a great word - thank you!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you Connie! :)

Jillybejoyful said...

It's so good to be back - thanks Peter!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you Ruth :)

Unknown said...

Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!

Jillybejoyful said...

Yes, yes yes!!! :)

Becky R. said...

You have been so missed - how could you think otherwise? There are a lot of people who care about you, even if we don't know you, except for your blogging presence. I am so glad for you that you have had a good outcome! Hooray for YOU. It is fabulous to have you back. Take good care and do continue to remember how much of a presence you have in the world.

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you for your kind words beckster :)

Helen said...

Hooray for you! A dear friend of ours went through Hep-C hell and came out the other side as well. It sure ain't for sissies, is it? Glad you've cleared that virus from your body. I'm looking forward to hearming more from you in the very near future!

Hillary said...

I have been awaiting your return, so happy to know your smile and great energy are back!

rhodeanie said...

All good wishes for the future!

Kathie said...

Oh, Jilly, we are still here. You were sorely missed and I am very, very happy you were able to beat that darned HepC! Welcome back to blog-land.

Anonymous said...

Welcome home!! You have been missed by more than anyone can count. Looking toward what fabulous creations you come up with. Thanks so much for sharing.

Graca said...

This is the best thing I've read today, wonderful news! Thank you for sharing and sending positive vibes your way for health, happiness and fun in the sewing room.

Jillybejoyful said...

It's the classic "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" ;-)

Jillybejoyful said...

Thanks so much Hillary!

Jillybejoyful said...

I'll take them, thank you!

Jillybejoyful said...

Awwww how sweet - thank you Meg!

Jillybejoyful said...

What a wonderful thing to say, thank you Graca! :)

Jillybejoyful said...

Thanks Kathie - it's so good to be back!

Mary said...

You have been on my mind, and in my heart, every day. This is such good news! I wish we were closer in miles so I could pop over for tea and chatting. Remember the sewing studio here in the desert is open for you anytime you want to make the flight. Love, Mary

Jillybejoyful said...

Mary I wish we were closer too. And I hope you know that you always have a place to stay if you come back through this area!

Alex in California said...


Unknown said...

You were missed!!! I knew you would be back when you felt better. Now you can get back to doing what you love. I'm going thru liver cancer. I'm having bland embolization where they cut off the blood supply to the tumors. So far, so good. Tomorrow I am having the 3rd and final embolization. A very few years ago, people who got liver cancer were goners. I have so much to be thankful for!!!!

Jillybejoyful said...


Jillybejoyful said...

High 5 Sistah! We've got this beat! I had 2 chemo embolizations (successful), and 1 RF Ablation (also successful). More tumors have appeared, but the docs are leaving them alone for now. I still hold on to the hope/wish/belief that I won't really need a transplant, but according to the docs that's a fantasy.... hope yours is healed for good!!! Hugs & Hearts & Smiles!

Unknown said...

Jilly, I'm glad you told us what was going on, especially right now. You are the only other person I know who has had embolizations. I don't know what the RF Ablation is. To know you've been thru it...actually way worse than what I'm going thru, but you made it and so will I !!!

Shams said...

WOOOT! It's so great to see you return to blogging, Jillian, which was made possible by taking diligent care of your health, AND the miracles of modern medicine! A truly great day and welcome back!!!

Vicki said...

What wonderful news! Wishing continued good health.

Annie Trish said...

So great to see you're back. Best wishes for continued good health!

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you shams! Here's to taking care of ourselves! (You're doing a good job too!)

Jillybejoyful said...

Thanks Valerie! It's been great slowly catching up on everything! (blog reading is next...)

Jillybejoyful said...

Thanks so much Vicki! :)

Jillybejoyful said...

Thank you Annie! :)

Nita said...

Popping over from Communing with Fabric...nice to meet you! Glad you are finally feeling better :)

ElleC said...

I am so glad to hear you are doing so well. I missed you. Looking forward to seeing some of your wonderful creations. ♥

Sharon said...

Wonderful news, and so glad you are feeling so much better!!

Nancy JC said...

JillyBe, I am so-o-o-o-o glad you are back and sorry that you had to suffer through all of this. I am looking forward to your new blog posts, and happy to see what you have done since this post. Hugs to you!